I140 using preapproved labour


Registered Users (C)
Is substitution of labour still allowed. In one of the forums someone had mentioned it is stopped. I know uscis had plans to stop it. Any idea if it is still allowed ??

Is substitution of labour still allowed. In one of the forums someone had mentioned it is stopped. I know uscis had plans to stop it. Any idea if it is still allowed ??


I think the 7/16/07 is the last day for sub labor.
Can any one confirm if this is true ??? My attorney is planning to file a I140 and I485 concurrent using a substituted labour.
Can any one confirm if this is true ??? My attorney is planning to file a I140 and I485 concurrent using a substituted labour.
You need to change ur atty asap. Get one that is current with the rules/procedures/times. Substitution ended on 07/17/2007