I think we can sue BCIS...


Registered Users (C)
Does anybody have noticed negative changes in his/her system related to depression caused by endless waiting? I think we can sue BCIS for damage to our health...
Reminds me the Aeshop's fable's story - The mice decided to put a bell in the neck of the cat - so they know where the cat is. The question remained who is going to bell the cat.
Originally posted by YLB2
Does anybody have noticed negative changes in his/her system related to depression caused by endless waiting? I think we can sue BCIS for damage to our health...

No body is preventing you to stay here :D:D
You are welcom to leave and live happily
- they WILL say atleast
Even If mental depression caused by BCIS qualifies for class action law suit, I don't think their is enough support to move ahead.
They might reject the application

based on your mental capacity!

This is the only thing i have heard that is worse than the Mclawsuit! :D
Hm, what about money we paid? If somebody took your money and hasn't provided anything for them it's called fraud, theft. Even if you give some security deposit to electrical company they pay you dividends from those money. BCIS just uses our money and doesn't do anything to earn them.
1amShantanuB, I am not sure what you mean by "No body" and
"preventing you to stay" (you mean forcing....) - Just kidding. BCIS has no right to say that we should leave - they can deny GC, but they need to have valid grounds for doing so. BTW, they are not doing any favor to us - they are issuing GC in their interest (we are not in refugee or political asylum category). This country has everything to gain by giving us GC.

Anyway, I think the original point of the note is that BCIS should expedite the process and tell us whether we are eligible for GC or not - why drag the process and cause us mental agony.

YLB2, we can sue only if BCIS ever commits that they will process our cases within a given time frame. None of the notices we receive show any commitment (only estimated timeframe).
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I would, but I'm afraid I do not have enough medical evidence to make the case... The only thing I have in my support is that I used to be cheerful man optimistically looking forward. I have never had as much depression as now…
All waiters!
You can't sue BCIS. First of all GC is not your right, get this point staright. Its a previledge given to you by BCIS based upon your petition. There are no garuntees as to if you would get a GC.
My suggestions "Stop discussing worthless hypothetical scenarios and getting high on that imaginary scenarios that are not going to happen."