I talked to my lawyer about the slow down


Registered Users (C)
and didn't have any concrete answer. I will call IIO and ask if there is any slow down this month that they are aware of.
If everybody calls to IIo and their attorneys this week, we will have some concrete answer by the end of this week.

Check Rupnet ... for approvals last week from NSC ... just 2 compared to tons from VSC

If this is not slow down .. what is?
Have patience.......


Why do not you understand that if they approve first then what they will do after finish all case because after year 2000 they do not have much AOS case. INS may start reduce the staff. So they are trying to save their job. They know that if they lay off from federal job no body will hire them in this job market because they are very lazy and have to do only lobby.

But if they not approve in proper time we may loose our job due to the funding issue.

Keep faith on God...

Best of Luck to All...........
I think if the NSC people are doing business in the industry, their business would go out in minutes. It is for sure that no body wants to hire these people.


There is no reason for NSC-INS to exist anymore.
or they need to be reformed thoroughly.
No progress on cases, no pay.

You guys are so funny.

The petitions are reduced enormously since the economy started getting worse.

If they finish processing cases earlier, they will really be out of business. Thats why we will never come down to Green from Yellow threat codes :)

What do guys think????
From MurthyBulletin date April 25th 2003

In the newsletter she mentions that the NSC response to the question regarding the slow down in approvals as "... they are training their officers with an increased level of security checks. They indicated that they are close to completing this training and that they anticipate adjusting substantial numbers of cases following the training."

It's been almost a month since this reply was given as a reason for the slow down. I just hope that they start picking up speed soon.
slowdown - wrong dates

the slow down mentioned in murthy is for the months upto and before jan 2003. she clearly mentiones the interview done in jan of 2003. and true to the information nsc did pick up tremendous speed for jan, feb and mar. after which it looks like they ran out of gas. my understanding is NSC was the nodal center for tracking iraqui's living in the US as the country was at war and therefore all resources was moved in that direction. now that the war is over, no clue as to what these guys are doing. but yeah it is very frustrating to see the slow down.:confused:
Maybe the war is over, but NSC has not finished their tracking and they may still be doing it. The good news is that though approvals has not picked up to the rate it was in Feb/Mar , it is not all that slow as it was in April.

I think May is picking up and the months forward we may start seeing some more approvals. Patience, I think , is the name of the game. Couple of months from now, it may pick up again or slow down altogther .