I heard that too ("This case has been approved"), RD Aug 30, ND Sep 26 EAC-00-282-


Registered Users (C)
All these days I came to this board and found few good men here ? Some people just wasting other\'s time some were really helping others. But That is OK that is the way of life.
I am really sorry about some who has been waiting for so long in each step of this horrible process and wish them good luck.
I was so frustrated that I did not get my Green Card? Why ?
Was that because I can find a good job with a good salary and Make my self rich and enjoy vacations and eat from good resturants.
I never wish to enjoy Vacations and good food. Because I think that is a waste of money. The pleasure does not worth the amount we have to spend. For the Last two years I have not had any trip or vacation but we always enjoyed every minute of our days together at home or some where around the city.
Am I too stingy to spend money? Nope.
For 50$ I can give 200 children in an orphnage in my country a meal to enjoy. If I go to a resturant and enjoy with my wife for that 50$ I will definitely regret the next time round I sit in the restroom. Beacuse I was used to think about a whole lot of things during the time I spend there.
I know so many people from my child hood. I still think about them when I have a break from my VbASPJavaC++ world.
Some dont have a door to there house. Some dont have enough to eat, and some of them have helped me while they were in such worst conditions.
And I know lot of them dont have a meal at school during the lunch.
I remember I hate my school days because I was so hungry after 12 PM and did not have any money to eat anything until I went home at 2.00 PM and eat some thing. Actually I could afford a meal at that time but I never wanted to take money from my parents and be a burden to them more than I already was. After grade 5 I won a schollarship and It gave me about tree hundred bucks a month even then I was used to give that to my mom when She visited me.
I had so much regrets that even after coming to America I did not have enough money to help them because I svae nothing here.
The whole purpose I wish for my GC is that I can help lot of these people.
and I dont have to feed head hunters anymore.

Wish all of you good luck.
Wish all this world be a better place .....
Wish that those who can will think about others that cant....

I am so happy that I am a free man after all. Free for those who are waitning for me.
don\'t try to gain sympathy of others for ur mistakes.

Congrats for getting ur approval.

Being poor or coming from a background where u don\'t have 3 meals a day to eat is no excuse for you to say that u couldn\'t save anything on H1. It can be assumed that you have been in US for atleast 3+ years as you have ur GC now. How come u didn\'t help ur parents/others u wanted to help for so long? Don\'t give me shit about not being able to save anything. Even $200 a month is Rs 9000 in india and thats too much for ur fokes and too little for you.

I am also from a very poor family where we lived in Tin Sheds one room in India for almost whole of my life with 2 brothers and a sister. We didn\'t even had even 1 single meal sometimes. But now I am here in USA, after doing BTech/Mtech from IITs and , My both brothers and sister are Doctors from top ranked indian colleges. We have a 3 story house and a car back home with all other comforts of life

How did that happen. Because we never cribbed but worked hard. And all of us stayed togather(even after oyr marriages) and contributed towards home when we were able to do so.

So don\'t crib. Just save money and help ur fokes. There is no greater shame than knowing that your parents can be in a better situation if u send some money home.

May the GOD and GC help you.


There are many people here and at backhome with your background. It is common man\'s background. Only thing you could express it openly. I apprecitae it. Pl. contribute/send yearly/monhly some money back to your school/village; it will help a few kids.

PS: I amd contributing $1000.00 per year to my school for the last three yrs.

hope_less , try to help others


    if you have not helped any one during your H1 stay and all these years savings, I am damn sure you are not going to help anyone even after GC. Some people just think in their minds that they will help others. But it\'s very difficult to put them into actions. My sincere advise is : Don\'t think now that you will help after you get the citizenship. It\'s just cheating yourself. GOD BLESS ALL.
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I am not complaining or cribbing from you or any one for any thing.
 my anger goes to the system that bind us to blood suckers.
So thats why I am happy after getting GC.
I am not talking about not helping my family out there. I am talikng about the broad perspective of helping others I knew.
I have spent all the savings of two years of my life for my parents and family.
I have been here for 2 years.
Spend 5000 on a useless car and scrap it.
Salary after tax 3000
Rent 900
Others(Water/Elec/Insurance) 400
Food 300
Car payments 275
Medical and other expences
After all what do you expect to save here.

I also have the BSc/MSc and 12 MCPs, MCSD,MCDBA, SCJB.
But still I had to live here month to Month saving 200 will go for some thing next month.