I guess NSC is doing the same, but much slower than what VSC does.


Registered Users (C)
Security Checks

During the American Immigration Lawyers\' Association (AILA)-INS Vermont Service Center (VSC) liaison conference call on April 17th, the VSC indicated that all files must now undergo a security check. As of that date, there were approximately 40,000 cases that required the security clearance before a final decision could be rendered. This will have a substantial impact on adjudication, probably resulting in at least an additional month in sending out approval notices. Requests for evidence (RFEs) will continue to be processed. It is the final adjudication that is being delayed.

Premium Processing

Premium processing cases will be adjudicated within 15 days, but in the event there is a "hit" on the security check, the case will then be sent to Investigations and the 15 day clock will stop until the investigation has been completed. The VSC intends to notify petitioners when the matter has been sent for further investigation.

The delay will impact all cases, except N-400 naturalization applications, including EADs for practical training. The VSC indicated that I-130 petitions are likely to be delayed the most; marriage fraud cases, which are already backlogged, will also be receiving lower priority.