I got an IEAD for less than 90 days of pending EAD in Chicago District Office


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My current EAD, issued by VSC,will expire on March 31st and my '90 days pending' renewal is due on April 12th. So, trying my luck on the IEAD, I went to Chicago INS on March 18 at 5:30 am. There were 5 people lining outside INS. By the time the building opened at 7,
the whole block was already filled. when I got my turn on the Information Window at 7:30, I told the officer that I am a walk-in for IEAD. The officer asked if my renewal is more than 90 days pending, I didn't answer since I know it's not and just handed her the Notice of Action for the I-765. She said it's not 90 days yet, then I told her that I'm working and I won't be able to continue my employment. She said I can ask my employer a letter that saying my employer will terminate me if I don't get an interim. She also gave an I-765 application form for me to fill up on my return. My plead and teary eued didn't work on her.

So hurriedly, I went back to my employment and asked my employer of the letter. But it took him the following day to produce it because he consulted the Company's lawyer if the letter is right and the company will not get sued based on the letter. He was jsut being careful.

On the next INS business day, I was back in the same line at INS window in Chicago with a different officer. Same question of 90 days pending, I told her no,but I have my emlployer's letter. She read it then gave me a form to fill up and asked me to put the form, the letter and the I-765 Receipt in the Walk-In EAD box. I as second on putting it in the box. At 7:30 another officer, who is kind-looking took the first from the box and did her research. At the same time, people with appointment letters were taken their pictures for their interim EAD. They come and go. I don't know how this people got an appointment. By 8:30, the kind-looking officer just got done with the first walk-in interim EAD. Finally she got mine, read the letter and called me. She asked for my currrent EAD card and State License, then she asked me to fill up an application I-765, I gave her my already done copy. She said 'very good' and did her research. By 9:30 they called me and took my pictures. After 5 minutes, I had in my hand my 3 months work authorization and paid nothing. It was great relief and took the rest of the day off.

As an advice, don't be afraid to ask your employer of the letter. I am new to the company but I was desperate and that gave me courage to ask. Just tell Human Resources casually that your EAD will expire and your renewal has been pending for sometime, and you want to get an interim. But the interim needs an employer letter indicating you cannot work without the proper authorization. Be honest and casual.

Secondly, be at INS seriously early. By the time I got done, there were almost 20 papers in the box. Chicago closes at 2. How do you think the office will get all of these done of the rate is 1 application in an hour?

I hope this inspires you.
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