I give up on deleting the names on the sign up list. Please post here and I will dele

I tried sending emails to all the folks who were signed up for the petition. Here is the email that I sent. I was only partially successful in sending it to a few people and that too it took several hours. Looks like all the emailing programs have good anti spam capabilities (found it the hard way :). So I have posted the letter that I sent to the folks. Please reply on this posting and I will remove the names of the folks who don’t want to join the next mailing campaign.

Here is the letter I managed to send to a few 10’s of people.

Sub: Regarding the 485 petition you signed at immigration.com website. Please read. Your reply is requested before Tue June 3rd 5pm CST.

Dear Fellow TSC I-485 filer/sympathizer and petition signer:

This letter consists of the following subsections
1) Update on the petition
2) Further action needed
3) What do you have to do if you don’t want to include your name in the next mailing.
4) Draft of letter that you can send to congressperson/senator

1) Update on the petition:
The petition was sent out by Mr. Khanna’s office more than 2 ½ weeks ago. It was sent to TSC director and BCIS director. If a reply is received it will be posted on the forum by Mr. Khanna’s office. So far no reply has been received.

2) Further action needed.
Our collective 800+ signatures for the petition has not elicited a prompt response from BCIS. This shows their attitude towards us. In order to keep the momentum going with the government bodies until something positive happens, the folks at immigration.com forum have decided to do the following on the first week of June, 2003:

a) Call the National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283
and rather than asking about the case details are planning to complain about TSC delays and ask them to do something about it quickly.
b) Send a letter to their congressperson and senator and in that letter point to the petition we had signed in immigration.com website. Along with the letter they are planning to attach a print out of the excel spreadsheet which has all our names. This is also hoping that our collective voices will be heard better than our individual voices.

3) What do you have to do if you don’t want to include your name in the mailing that folks are going to send to the senators/ congresspeople.
If you have any concerns about other folks using your name in the list please take a look at the attached excel spreadsheet and send me back an email saying that line number xxx name xxx has to be deleted.

4) Draft of letter that you modify to send to congressperson/senator

Here is the draft of a letter that folks might use to send to the senators/congresspeople. If you decide to mail to these folks please feel free to modify what you feel is necessary.

Here is the link to find your congressperson

Here is the link to find your senator

Honorable Mr. XXX,
Congressman XXXX

Sub: Started Green card process in 1998/1999 time frame, still waiting for approval. Delays in I-485 processing (Green card approvals) at BCIS (INS) Texas Service Center (TSC). 800 + signatures attached. Several hundreds from XXX state. Please help us.

Dear Sir:

In this letter I would like to highlight a serious problem at BCIS Texas Service Center that an immigration committee member like you can help.

It has been more than three months since BCIS has formed and we are still seeing that I-485’s are approved in the Vermont and the Nebraska Service Centers but not in Texas Service Center (TSC). Seems like a penalty for living in your state. The date for 485 approvals has not moved from Nov 1, 2000 for the past seven months. In addition to not approving 485’s TSC is also an year behind in processing I-485’s compared to the other service centers.

No one would argue, in light of the terrorist threats, the need to more fully verify potential immigrants into the United States. And if the additional checks required some additional time, so be it, the benefits far outweigh the small price in waiting.

However, when the average waiting time for a relatively simple approval process has gone from 6 months to approximately 33 months (stated by TSC as of now and could possibly extend to longer time periods), there is something sinisterly wrong with BCIS operating procedures. And for BCIS to cloak themselves under the guise of performing additional security checks is deliberately misleading.

In a post 9/11 environment, in spite of INS past embarrassments of approving terrorists posthumously, the President has given a mandate to the organization to ensure I485 approvals be completed within 6 months with all necessary security checks. Yet, in practice the complete opposite has happened, stretching approvals to an average of 30 + months as of now and possibly even further. In addition, BCIS specifically Texas Service Center has virtually stopped processing applications from Nov 1, 2002, first denying there was a freeze then later acknowledging there was a freeze when they upgraded their computer systems and then citing funding problems. In the face of a mountain of backlogged un- approved 485 applications no action has been done on the part of TSC to reduce the backlog whereas other service centers are processing some amount of applications.

Being forced to wait extraordinary lengths of time, the would be immigrant is forced every year to reapply to renew their EAD (Employment Authorization document) and Advance Parole (AP). With this huge problem, what does BCIS do? Do they focus their resources on approving the green cards? No, they put the resources on clearing the backlog of EAD's and AP’s, which are a temporary solution for the people waiting for the 485 (GC) approvals. If they would approve the 485, they would get rid of the backlog on EAD's and AP’s at the same time. But this logic escapes BCIS.

In addition, as part of the 485 process, each applicant submits to a fingerprint exercise, which gets sent to FBI to check their background. BCIS has a policy of expiring the fingerprints after 15 months. (which seems like a reasonable policy as the president himself has indicated that the process should take no longer than 6 months). Now because BCIS is now saying that it will take them 32-33 months to approve, they are reissuing fingerprint notices to applicants who must go through the process again. It begs the question, with their system of tracking dates, instead of focusing extra resources on clearing the EAD and AP backlog, why wouldn't BCIS focus their resources on approving cases that the fingerprints are due to expire?

The immigrant lives a precarious life waiting and hoping for his approval, and in these uncertain economic conditions, hopes he isn't laid off of his current employment. So it is a risk for someone who has lived in the US from anywhere between 5-15 years who has and continue to contribute to the economy and the general welfare of this country that they can be laid off from a company and they have to pack up and leave the country.

To voice the frustration and feeling of powerlessness with the lack of progress and responsiveness from the TSC (Texas Service Center) of the BCIS, the folks who are in this situation have organized a petition which you can here:

You can find the signatures of the petition here: More than 800 have signed (just by word of mouth) it as of early May.
What is a worthwhile read is the comments box in the petition, where you can get a very real sense of how this drawn out process is affecting the lives of these would be immigrants.

Since you are in the immigration committee we are hoping that you can somehow help us all by bring some pressure to bear on TSC and get them to actively commit to addressing the problem and resolving it quickly.

Thanks for any help you can provide. We are relying on your help and support.

XXXX (On behalf of the folks who face these problems)

Attachment: Print out of list of 800+ signatures. Several hundred are from XXX State.

Hoping this combined efforts yields us the results.

ps: Please watch for the updated list Wednesday morning in the http://boards.immigrationportal.com/forumdisplay.php?forumid=98
Attachment: The excel spreadsheet that folks in the forum are planning to attach along with the letter to the politicians.
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Can you modify the hyperlinks!

It is a suggestion, as you have mentioned that printouts of the letter will be send, then it will be a good idea to modify the hyperlinks to show complete web address.. instead of ....

They may want to really type the address and check things out. E - format will automatically get the underlying address... but on print out???
TRU, Whats your email???

Tru, I don't mind our names on Rajiv's list of signatures for that particular petition and for Rajiv's use.

Don't want to be a part of letters that other people are sending. Entry numbers 522/523.

maybe we should just not send any mails

That we can all sit in our little holes and protect our privacy. Even using credit card over the web or shopping malls expose us more than this simple letter send to senators.

I dont know what people are afraid of that could happen if we send our names and details to senators. :confused: :mad:
Even using credit card over the web or shopping malls expose us more than this simple letter send to senators.

Credit card agencies have a clearly stated privacy policy of sharing information, whereas our petition as I learn from those people who want to remove their names from the list, does not.

I dont know what people are afraid of that could happen if we send our names and details to senators.

If there is absolutely no fear in one's mind, I find it humorous that many people prefer to use pseudonyms with no email-addresses for contact purposes, in this forum. I guess, there is fear at every level; only the intensity varies.
reply to poong... and tombaan

Hey poongunranar and tombaan. You folks are great folks in this forum. So please stop jabbing each other. Please put your animosity behind you. The more you keep jabbing the more anger will be generated and soon will reach to the point of no return. By the way, some of the words and language you folks use need a thesaurus to find out what they mean. Keep it simple for stupid folks like me to understand. Channel your anger and frustrations against BCIS.

I would like to see you folks shake hands.
My humble 2 cents.

Even while digressing, I was feeling bad for jabbing. I am sorry and am looking forward for constructive contribution. I hate to see perfervid folks like you to lose the momentum which only needs more support than diversion. Sorry, tru. Will continue participating constructively.

I always used simple language and find it frustrating people want to flaunt their knowledge -like a peacock showing its plums. I will desist and keep it simple.

As for disent, I am still going to call a spade a spade..like it or not ;) . There are more credit frauds inspite of all privacy requirements. I am yet to know of any fraud -cause we submitted our names to senators or congressmen. (for crying out loud-they are one of the highest offices of this country)I would rather concur with people like dang and admire people like tru who did this voluntary than catter to whims and fancies of people who in the first instance should not have even given their names to this forum.
Rajeev khanna and this forum would have still submiited the names to congress and various other committes. So all this are simple and stupid excuses-unless people are here illegally and have things to hide. that then is a different question all together. anyway I am tired of all this illegal people who are getting ahead of us for one reason or other while people like us paying taxes and waiting in queue are still in the queue.

So all this are simple and stupid excuses-unless people are here illegally and have things to hide. that then is a different question all together. anyway I am tired of all this illegal people who are getting ahead of us for one reason or other while people like us paying taxes and waiting in queue are still in the queue.

What are you trying to say here? Listen dude, i have issues with you trying to distort whatever i posted and trying to say that i have things to hide and it could be an illegal case. I was trying to let this matter rest by not responding to any of the earlier posts by deputydawg and you but you just dont seem to take the hint.


Inane, Arrogant, Insipid!!!


This is too much to remain silent. Kindly ask this rattler to mind his outbursts.

So all this are simple and stupid excuses-unless people are here illegally and have things to hide. that then is a different question all together. anyway I am tired of all this illegal people who are getting ahead of us for one reason or other while people like us paying taxes and waiting in queue are still in the queue.
Here is a sacred-cow, who arrogates to himself that:
  • He is the ONLY one, to have the guts and good eye-sight (but poor foresight) to call a spade, a spade, as though, others call a spade a club.
  • He is the ONLY one, who writes plain English (as though others write Greek, French, Hindi, Tamil, or Cantonese)
  • He is the ONLY messiah, who will proclaim, "hell with you, who don't tow my line," and others should keep mum.
  • He is the ONLY legal immigrant on this forum and all others are just illegal expatriates.
Hell, with this guy and give two-hoots to his arrogance.
I always used simple language and find it frustrating people want to flaunt their knowledge -like a peacock showing its plums.
A case in point for Devil quoting the scriptures. An amnesiac should go back and read one's own postings to see if they write at least English as found in common dictionaries. To call it as "simple language," and then out of jealousy dub other people's postings as "peacock showing its plums," is plain ludicrous. Let who hath not sinned cast the first stone. If you are yet not contended, go ahead and show your plums (if you have any).
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anita r

Did i say you were illegal? Dont put words into my mouth? I still think TSC did spend a lot of time in the past trying to clear all the illegal immigrants while people in the 485 queue were put on hold.
I have got it..did you get it?:mad:
So are you a non sinner and hence throwing stones at me..:> As for quoting the lord did not he also say to Peter’s question how many times should I forgive a person.... That it should be with no limits

He is the ONLY legal immigrant on this forum and all others are just illegal expatriates.

I didn’t mention you or anyone as illegal. Don’t try to knight with shining armor. You wanna protect maidens in distress...do it but not my expense.(using me as your bait)

He is the ONLY one, who writes plain English

As for english..they are still in the dictionary. If you couldn’t find the meaning for the same could help you. Just let me know or maybe buy better dictionary.

Go look at your earlier postings and I still maintain that it was like peacock showing of its plums :D

I will advise you against distributing this list to others. It can raise lot of questions and disagreements among members of this board. Trust me a list with 800 names coming from no-name folks like us will not achieve much. When it is signed by an attorney at law like Mr. Khanna it still bears some weight, particularly if a lawsuit is threatened. Keep convincing people to do what they can to voice concerns to authorities. Lot of us may not be very vocal here on the board but that doesn't mean they are sitting idle. They are possibly lobbying their representatives, lawyers, employers, to make a difference. Hopefully something good will happen soon.


So far I have had only about 10 people asking me to remove their names off this list. Out of the 800+ folks this is not bad. So looks like a great majority wants something done. I will wait until today evening for folks who want to remove their name.

Thanks for your support folks.

i think majority do want something to happen and would request you to please continue to do it