I cannot believe it!


Registered Users (C)
Case finally approved. I-485 received at TSC 11/19/2000. That's four and a half years, ladies and gentlemen! I just about lost all hope in humanity. I sincerely hope that this sort of crap never happens to anyone else. Best of luck to you all!
panzer93 said:
Case finally approved. I-485 received at TSC 11/19/2000. That's four and a half years, ladies and gentlemen! I just about lost all hope in humanity. I sincerely hope that this sort of crap never happens to anyone else. Best of luck to you all!

First of all Many Many congratulations to u and family.

Second Where the heck u were hiding from us? :D we would like to give Senior Citizen membership free from this fourm. :D

Plz share with us ur story from LC > I140 > FP >RFE > what took so long what path u followed to see that day. we all are very excited to hear from u

Happy GC to you and family :D

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Good Luck
Congrats my friend.It has been a long road but finally you got to the end of it.Time to relax now :)
