I am tired of checking AVM


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Hello All,

My PD is 4/97; RD 04/12/01; ND 6/12/01; FP 08/11/01 AD ?? I am tired of checking AVM, same message for the last three months saying process resumed etc. As I am a lowly EB3, eventhough have masters degree with 12 years of experience my job needed only BS with two years exp. I think I made mistake by choosing EB3??
I think its time to call..

I think its time to call.. why don\'t you get in touch with immigration officer and ask for the possible delay in your case. may be some times this works ?
bangaru - I can understand your frustration....

I dont think EB2 or EB3 makes much difference in last stage. Was any RFE generated against your case? Your case must be stuck with a slow Officer, I guess. Just hang in there and your case will be approved. Good luck.
Yep you should have chosen EB2 if you were eligible

Why dont you give buzz to IIO and ask what is going on with your application? Is there something wrong etc..
I agree with others..call IIO

As far as your job requirement, strictly legally you couldn\'t have filed for EB2 since the job didn\'t require a MS degree or 5+ yrs exp...but to my experience more than 75% consultancy jobs in US don\'t require MS degree or 5+ yrs ...but still people file in EB2 category & get their GC....looks like fortune favors the brave here..

Anyway I think you are almost there...hang on there ...All our best wishes are with you...Hope to hear from you about your Approval message.
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Hi YPT my RD is also 3/29/01 ND 04/10 FP 1/12/02 (delayed cos of add change) spoke to IIO today she said an officer is reviewing it.

Keep updating OK.


This telephone is always busy. I can\'t get through. Anyway thanks to all of you.
EAC 01-200-5xxxx
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I am also tired of it. I no longer check it every day, just once a week. With 6/15 RD I am absolutely sure that my case is being handled as August one, which, with their official processing time is still some 3 monthes away from now. Well, even if we know that they are handling not only 5/15 cases, but they are even some 5-10% into July already, I am sure I won\'t be approved for at least 4 weeks more. Late April sounds overly optimistic now.. Perhaps mid-May..