i am going to sue vsc!


Registered Users (C)
Every night my nightmare is that I got laid off.
Each time when I drive, I saw that the sign on the road is a big green card.
When I sit here to write program, I felt there is a green card inside the computer screen...

I saw the doctor, he told me that vsc had caused me mental desease already!
Silymike - Keep patience!

Try to avoid thinking seriously about GC. EVerything would be alright one day! Keep faith in god to release stress!
They did not promise you anythig. So why should they be liable?

We are all stressed because we are worried about what will happen
if our immigration does not go through. We have a choice of not
being in it, then. Just like an employee cannot sue(is the spelling right?) the employer for stress of being laid off. My opinion
You are right... it makes sense

Silymike........ every one is under stress.... try to take it easy (I
know that it easy to say but tough to implement).... Hope for the best
and prepare ur self for the worst......
The immigration system is designed like that!

Capitalism economy wants to have low cost workers, so they have designed GC to force the employee to be bound to the employer can\'t ask for any hike etc. so that labor cost would be under control! Kind of indirect bonded labor you know.
Fingerprints Rejected & Name Misspelled

I took my FP in December, 2001. Yesterday I got a notice from the INS that my FP was rejected. Also the INS misspelled my name. My lawyer contacted the INS, but they still have not fixed yet...I was so mad last night. Is there anyone who had same experiences? I am very worried that this will delay my application .... EVEN LONGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can not take the stress any more.
No Title

Wha ever it is the tension is unbearable, you cannot commit for anything including buying some stuff.
I think once you have filed I-485 - you are okay as long...

as you don\'t finally get rejected. It\'s not like H1 where you are out of status as soon as you are out of job. Experts please correct me if I am wrong.
No Title

I can sympathize with one and all who is suffering from waiting/uncertainity/insecurity syndrome including myself. But then guys who said the path to GC was going to be enticing, entertaining and exciting (another 3 E\'s). Knowing that it was going to be indefinitely long, immensely stressful, highly speculative and above all forcing an individual to prostitution (being stuck to an employer who is underpaying and exploiting), we all made this choice. Thanks to technology which has brought us destitutes together on this forum to atleast share our experiences and find some solace.
Like it or ..Leave...

Hey hold your horses buddies..GC is neither a previlege nor a right.It is just a plea for a permenant status in this country.It does not make me or u equal to born citizens who are protected by the Constitution(Law of the land).Since u cannot find a better living in your original country u are asking for a favour from the "Lords" of the other country."They" decide whether u would be admitted to "their" country or not.I dont think u have any right to sue "them" on the lines of "their" constitution in "their" land.Whenever I talk somebody out with the flaws- mainly anti-employee and anti-voter/tax-payer- of the system I get the same reply "Like it or Leave".I think it applies here too.So wait for the bread crumbs for the master\'s table and be a faithful little dog .One day the mighty master may slip an untouched stake into your plate.Till then sit tight and wipe your lips often so that the saliva from your mouth dont spoil the expensive rugs of your master.
sm123, you are very extreme in your opinion. low self esteem.

Although we want to be here, I also think that (until recently) the labor market DID needed us here. If we are as much beggars as you portray us to be, let me tell you that in spite of our situation we make MORE MONEY than the INS officer who decides our case.

If and when the economy becomes better, you would see the change in
the attitude. You have already seen it in the past couple of years. The AC21 LAWS, extending H-1 beyond 6 years, increasing the quota of the H-1 visas are all indicative of the fact that this country DOES need people like us. We certainly are not the beggars are you portray us to be. We are far better than those unskilled, poor european immigrants who came here penniless, and being a burden to the country.
Re:Take it or Leave it.

The "take it or leave" policy worked so far as US is one of the very few choices Independent Immigrants (II)(with no family ties) had. However, Germany and England have recently staretd accepting IIs and I beleive pretty soon one can get a EUPR, meaning one can work within any country of EU making it much more attractive when compared to a USPR. So, watch out INS!!.
USA always pointed to other countries and said they don\'t have human rights. Just want to know if t

being underpaid but cannot change - is this socalled human right?
seperated from my parents for 3 years but cannot go back to see them, is this called human right?
silly mike, you are truly silly.

if you want to see your parents, go home and come back. INS is not be putting any restrictions on you. Your employer may be. So many people have been going home and coming back. If your personal situation is such that you cannot do that, don\'t blame INS.
everybody has different situation. I know many people can go, but I also know many people don\'t dar

you may got rejected because of immigration tendency.