I am august 2001 filer...


New Member
I am august 2001 filer and has done 2nd fp and tried all possible ways by contacting senetor, by calling 800 number but still the case is pending. I am not sure what to do?? Any one in same boat please post...:eek:
My deep sympathy to you!

Unfortunately, there is nothing more you can do. I am not better off than you either. Mine was received in October 01. :(
well, I'm sure you've heard the saying "the squeaky wheel gets the oil".

If I were you, I would make a lot of noise - its really amazing that they are not answerable even in this case, when they have themselves moved the date to 4 months beyond your RD......

I would even write a letter to the president - it can't hurt right?
It depends how desperate you are! I've heard of such cases where the files were lost, and found a year later! Are you prepared to wait another year?

I'm sorry - Can't think of anything constructive to tell you - except keep writing/calling until someone listens to you....
I don't think any one can anything beyond what he has done. As we all know, the options we have are :
1. Call the customer service
2. Contact Senator Office
3. Our Lawyer sending a written request on status

At some point they will have to do something. Customer service people will definitely send an enquiry letter to VSC for old cases like your's. May be they did not get FBI clearance for your case.
They might be waiting on something else. I know that it's pretty tough and frustrating. But you have to keep trying. Hope that you have a good job.
Hang on and keep calling every 3 weeks. You will get it.