I-94 denied...


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My H1b petitionwas approved in March2006 but the I-94 was denied in Nov,2005. When the USCIS contacted my employer in Nov mentioning the denial and "motion to reopen", my employer didn't present the correct documents as a result I got the H1b approved but the approval notice says that I have to go back to my country to get the Visa.

1. when does I became out of status in Nov,2005 ; march2006 or in june 2005( the last I-94 that I have was valid until june 2005).

I came on H4 visa and still have I-94 valid until2006 from H4.Is my stay in U.S valid with this I-94.

Please reply ...I need help.
My wife is on H1. Can I apply for new H4 without going out of this country.My daughter is a citizen. Does my wife's and daughter status help me staying in this country without going back to get the visa.
can't blame them, wrong docs presensted, you can file again expedite

techhy101 said:
My H1b petitionwas approved in March2006 but the I-94 was denied in Nov,2005. When the USCIS contacted my employer in Nov mentioning the denial and "motion to reopen", my employer didn't present the correct documents as a result I got the H1b approved but the approval notice says that I have to go back to my country to get the Visa.

1. when does I became out of status in Nov,2005 ; march2006 or in june 2005( the last I-94 that I have was valid until june 2005).

I came on H4 visa and still have I-94 valid until2006 from H4.Is my stay in U.S valid with this I-94.

Please reply ...I need help.
My wife is on H1. Can I apply for new H4 without going out of this country.My daughter is a citizen. Does my wife's and daughter status help me staying in this country without going back to get the visa.