I-797A misplaced by HR


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I am currently on my 7th year extension and i have to travel to India next month. My wife leaves next week and she has an appointment at the US Consulate, New Delhi, 2 weeks from now.

Our attorney told me that that she will need to carry the original top half of both mine and her I-797A approval notice. According to instructions our HR keeps the top half of my I-797A. When i contacted them they seem to have misplaced that portion. The attorney's say that getting a duplicate will take a long time. We are still searching for the document but i dont have too much of hope.

Has anybody gone through the same problem and what are my options now?

I know i probably wont get a visa stamp without my original I-797 but can she travel and get a visa stamp with only a copy of mine? She has her original thankfully.

Please advice.

