I-751 Affidavits


Registered Users (C)
Hello All! My time ti file I-751 is around the corner and I'm starting to gather documents and information from posts on this forum. I'm wondering, how important is it to send the affidavits suggested on the I-751 instructions? My wife and I have plenty of evidence to support the application: we are happily married with a daughter and a son on the way :) we are moving into our new house next month and most of our financial records are joint.

I just need to know if it's a must have or is it something that is needed for couples in a different situation as ours (no kids, no joint assets). What are your thoughts and horror stories?
I would include the affidavits if I were you since the instructions on the application states,"The documents should cover, but not limited tom the following examples......Affidavits sworn to or affirmed by at least two people.....".

Its better to cover all your basis.
We didn't include affidavits. Didn't want to bother friends.

We were bracing for an RFE or interview because
1) we filed our joint tax returns using a different address from the rest of our evidences (a house which is under his name only)
2) Our driver's licences have different addresses
3) No joint car insurance
4) No joint credit cards
5) No affidavits

We did submit a ton of pictures, bills, health insurance, joint bank account statements, travel documents, 401K and lease agreement.
Thank you all for your responses, I probably wont send in the affidavits since I was leaning against it from the begginning. I appreciate your responses very much!