I-551 Stamped. Do I need transit visa to go to India thru Paris?


New Member
I got my I-551 stamped on my passport on Nov 3rd 2004. No physical green card yet. My H1 visa was expired Jan 31st 2005. I am going to India on March 23rd via Paris on AirIndia. AirIndia stops in Paris for less than 90 min. I called French consulate, they said I don't require as I have stamping. But I am not sure whether I-551 is considered as VISA or not. Could anyone tell whether I need to transit visa?

Yo do need a transit visa for travel through Paris. Here is the website and information:


Exception #1
You do NOT need an airport transit visa if you comply with all the following conditions :
- you hold a valid passport of one of the above listed countries
- you have a valid U.S. Green Card (this applies to the actual plastic card only, not to the advanced parole, not to the I551 stamp) or a valid Canadian Permanent Resident Card, or you are a permanent resident of the European Economic Area

You might have told them that you have stamping and they interpreted as you have a valid visa stamp and told you that you don't need a transit visa.
Airport Transit visa in Netherlands

I am in Advance Payroll visa now as my H1 stamping is over in Dec'2004.
I will be travilling to India by KLM through amsterdom, Netherlands. Do I need Airport Transit visa.

Thanks in advance