I-485 transferred to local office - philadelphia

John Liu

New Member
I received a notice in the middle of Sep. 2001. said my case is transferred to local office. I have not received any thing since then.

does case transferred to local office means I am going to have a interview? and when I can expect to got something from local office?

Good Luck

Mine got transferred to Local Office and am called for an Interview, for no reason. I heard from my lawyer and several others that if responses for RFE are not complete, they transfer to the Local office for clarification. This usually culminates in an interview. SOme times it is a random selection.
I received a letter for an Interview after 4 weeks.
Hope this helps.
Could you please share the details about your case!

Please share you case details here!!
I am waiting from Sep\'01 for my interview after my case was transferd to Phili Office after I got an RFE(which I replied) still no news !!
Good to hear from you that you got an interview!! what is the outcome of the interview??
About the Pay stubs & letter from Employer !

I gave all the paystubs and letter from Employer but still my case was transfered to Phili..
Details please

Surekha ,
          Was your case Employment based ? Can you please share your interview experience , it will be great help.
Surekha !!!! PLEASE REPLY!!!!!!

Thanks in advance! I am really curious to know about your case details as you are first person I have heard for the last 3 months who has got an interview at PHILI office!
Please share you case details with us!

Hi ssh,
My Interview is tomorrow I will let you know how it went
I have a NIW applied I485 on 9/00 FP in3/01
RFE 9/01 and 10/01 for an affadavit stating mother\'s name of my husband as his birth certificate does not mention Mother\'s name,
and also proof of legal status allthrough
Case transferred to Local office in 12/01 received a notice in 3 weeks calling for an interview
Hope this helps

Hi ssh,
My Interview is tomorrow I will let you know how it went
I have a NIW applied I485 on 9/00 FP in3/01
RFE 9/01 and 10/01 for an affadavit stating mother\'s name of my husband as his birth certificate does not mention Mother\'s name,
and also proof of legal status allthrough
Case transferred to Local office in 12/01 received a notice in 3 weeks calling for an interview
Hope this helps
How long it takes in philly to get the interview?

Does anyone have any idea of how long it takes just to get the interview in philadelphia?
What category you belong?

I mean what is your category (employment or other) and what is your present status?
Please let us know if ANYBODY has attended the interview at PHILLI office!!

Please share your experience here regarding your interview at Philli office this will help alot people who are waiting for the interview at Phili office.
I am also asking the same question to every one?
Well I have inquired with Philli office (by going their personally twice!) and first time they informed me the interview will schedule after six months and next time the time was increased to ONE year!!!
I really don\'t know when this interview is going to happen?????

My name is dir and I am going to have an AOS interview soon.
If you don\'t mind, could you please share your experince with me? Where did you have your interview?
My email is:
No Title

 Our case was transfered to Philadelphia in November end. We recently received a interview notice from PHL, INS for March19th. Can any one share their interview experiences... Thanks..

Good to know that at least some one got Interview call. Was your case
employment based ?