I-485 mess: Going back home and taking my job with me!


New Member
I'm throwing in the towel. After working 10 years in the US with TNs and H1-Bs, I've decided to move abroad with my new family. I'm also taking my job with me abroad...I have wanted to start a company in the US for several years but was not alowed. Hopefully, I will be able to get that venture going abroad.

Today's development was what I needed to make the decision. Good luck to you! Eventually you will make it.
I am with you... if anywhere like Canada, Taiwan, Singapore or my home in Hong Kong (I used to live, work and study in all these places) pops up an opportunity better what I am having right now, I will leave US without a second thought.

Who needs this stress...???
Bravo Avionics.
Good luck with all your future plans.

US was supposed to be the land of opportunities, but this whole messed up immigration process is just killing that idea in spirit. Hope someone realizes that soon. Else I am sure smart talented people are going to throw in the towel and find a better land. I am a few steps behind you. I have the towel on my shoulder..! Any more frustration and ready to throw it down!
Good luck! I have often thought of going home too because of all the bureaucratic ridiculousness. I'd like to start my own business, but that dream gets further and further away all the time.