I-485 APPROVED on FEB 28


New Member
PD 06/99
ND 07/01
FP 02/15/02
AD 02/28/02

I think FP is the Key here. I got Approved Exactly 2 weeeks from the FP Date. I called TSC on JAN 28 to request notice for FP. They mailed the courtesy copy on 02/11/02 and I got it on 02/14/02. I went to give the fingerprints on 02/15/02 and I got I-485 APPROVED on 02/28/02.

For all who are waiting for the FP Notice, Please call the TSC to schedule your FingerPrints.

Well, Good Luck to you all.
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Congratulations first! So what did you talk to IIO to have them request FP for you? I am also 7/01 ND and I talked to TSC twice today. The lady said there was nothing she can do other than wait. Thanks.
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I told her that my ND is 07/01 and I have not yet received the FP Notice. She said the FPs are generated by computer and she would send an email to request the FP notice. Her name was Barbara and she was really good.

If you call the IIO ask her to send a email to request for the FP.
No Title

Congrats...I think we have all tried to request FP from TSC and have varied experiences. I called thrice this past week and each time spoke with a different person. They all answered that FP notices are generated by the computer and there was nothing they could do about it. I requested that they send an email and they repeatedly said that FP notices were generated by the computer...


Thanks for the tip on calling TSC...I called continuously for close to an hour and finally got through.

I think TSC generates FP notices via computer. I called TSC three times over the last two weeks. The first time the IIO told me himself (when I inquired about not having received a FP notice), without my telling him, that I would tell him that folks who filed after me had got FP notices and that I was still waiting. This suggests that many folks have called and discussed that with an IIO. He said he was not sure how that was possible and he was going to find out more. But he said FP are issued by computer and even if he were to put in a request, 9 times out of 10 it would be rejected as presently FP notices were being sent for really old cases. Further, he said he couldn\'t schedule one anyway, as it was computer generated

The second lady, on being told that folks after me were getting FP notices, said those candidates would need to do FP again (as the first one will elapse). I told her that some of them were actually receiving approvals and she said no. She however did say that TSC was processing March 2000 cases and FP notices would be issued in due course

The third time the lady said that FP notices generated by computer and that I will receive mine in 2-3 months (its been over seven months so far). So folks, if you\'ve been waiting that long, you should be receiving your FP.

I gather from other folks with similar experiences, that we should wait for FP notices as the system will generate the notices when it is due. It takes a long time to get through to TSC, so hopefully my experience, alongwith those shared by others, will help. Anyone with different experiences, please share.

I\'ve called TSC twice on two consecutive days but only got the answer about computer generating the FP notice. I once argued that we\'ve known some friends filed later than us have got FP done and even approvals, one of the IIOs even said that my friends must have lied to me, it\'s not possible. It\'s really irratating and insulting. Now I stop calling them and will see what happens in a month.
What was your EB ? (and congratulations)

Congratulations and good luck with your new future.

Could you tell us your EB please. Trying to see if its only EB2 cases that are getting these rapid quick adjudication after FP. Thanks.
Did you go before the scheduled date ???

Noticed that you went for fingerprints the next day you got your FP notice; what kind of excuse did you give to have your FP done before the scheduled date ????
Congrats SeenuReddy

What Number did you call to know your FP status ?

I would appreciate your answer.

- Why-R
waiting for approval


My case also similar like you. My I-485 Receipt date is 07/2001, Finger Print was taken in 01/2002, I-485 is not approved yet.

waiting for approval.

No Title

I called TSC and asked regarding FP. IIO took our(wife\'s and mine) receipt #s and said will put a request for us.

This was last Wednesday / Thursday (6 or 7 March 2002).

PD 2/98
RD 6/01
ND 7/01