i-275 executed, voluntary departure


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Hi friends,
I need your help regarding my case.

My name is raj. i am doing my PhD AT USC in csce dept.
my f1 visa expired on july 17th 2006, i came to india during December 2006 and went for renewal of my visa. On december 28th 2006, i got 221g case and i emailed them everything and got my f1 visa on february 23rd 2007.
Due to health problems i did not go in the middle of the semester and i took a break for summer and i went on september 9th 2007.
at the port of entry i was asked are you a returning student i said yes, then after taking my finger print i was asked did u have a problem in december i said i got 221g case, he again asked what problem did u have in december 2006, then he asked me are you arrested i said yes, when i was about to explain he said do not lie, go to the other officer.

the other officer asked me what happened in december 2006, i said i was arrested for a battery case (it happened with my wife and i was released on the same day itself, my wife only released me), i told him my wife is a GREEN CARD HOLDER and he asked me when did she got it i told him she got it from India itself.

"when i filled the visa application i filled it out as i am single and also i was not arrested at all."
question 17: i was single
question 30: i was not arrested

then one lady officer asked me when did u get married i told her that we are married in january 2005 in usa and we are married again in india i.e. january 2007 so only i went to india.

she asked me why didn't u fill that you are married i said, since we are not living together and we are not married according to our home tradition in india, i am not dependant on her so only i filled it as single, she asked me why did u fill that you are not arrested, i told her that on that day itself i asked the police officer and told him that i am going to renew my visa in india, will it affect it, he told me that it is a domestic violence in family so do not worry, hence i did not fill it up i said.

when the asked the police officer in December he told me it is not a problem, no need to mention it, hence i did not mention it in my application.
regarding the marriage i did not mention it because i thought that we have to file the marriage certificate, i did not fill it out.
it was my mistake for filling the application without consulting anyone.
i am sorry for my mistake, so friends be careful when you fill out the application.

Now i spoke with the judge and he told me that the case is nullified, so i requested him a document regarding it to show to the visa officer.

the lady officer said you are lieing to the US government, and gave me two options:
you should withdraw your f1 application and apply it again with waiver or else you should come to us after 5 years.

one police officer told me that take withdraw application as you apply it again.

now i am back in india today itself.

please help me as how to approach the us counsellate officer in chennai, AND TELL HIM MY PROBLEM.
he will ask me why didn't u fill that you are married and you are arrested?
can anyone suggest me how to answer so that he can get convinced as i am planning to go to chennai within next two weeks since my school has already started.

i got an voluntary departure an appliction withdrawn.
I-275 executed, 212(a)(6)(c)(i), i do ot kow anything aboutit, can someone please help me regarding this case.

Fraud Or Misrepresentation

Fraud or Misrepresentation

Under INA §212(a)(6)(C)(i), an alien who, by fraud or willfully misrepresenting a material fact, seeks to procure (or has sought to procure or has procured) a visa, other documentation, or entry into the United States or other benefit provided under the INA is excludable. The determination of materiality is a fact which would make an alien excludable or shut off a line of inquiry which may have resulted in exclusion.