I-140 not sure denied or not. If so what are the options


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Broadcase message said " a written decision on your case has been send on Janury 2nd". This was after I got a RFE from INS about my companies financial statements. No problem about my education back ground ( masters in U.S. with 5 years experience). My lawyer send a letter from company statting that 2,200 employees are employed.

Is is denied????( Broad cast message said a writeen decision not fianl decison). Anyone here got RFE and then a approval and if so what was the content of the message.

If denied what are my options. Should I change my lawyer. Am I supposed to start from labour or just I-140 again. Please explain in detail
I say stop worrying and wait for the mail and deal with it then. My guess is it\'s a denial so deal

No Title

The company did your Labor Cert. changed? Why INS ask for fimancial document?
Don\'t worry!!! it\'s not end of the world

Same thing happened in my case too. You have three options now

1. Appeal the decision
2. Motion to reopen

For 1 and 2, it goes to central appeals unit in DC and it takes a very long time to get any decision on your case.

3. Re-apply with proper documents which would take must less time than the first two options....

Anyways once you get your written decision, post your details. I would be able to throw more light.

PS: And unfortunately a written decision is not but a denial. Don\'t get dejected....you can always re-apply..it just takes a little more time.so...don\'t worry....
Fix your problem,

then re-apply. This is the fastest way to go. Appeal and motion to re-open take too long, I agree with milli.
I am in the same boat I-140 denied

In my case the attorney is saying INS did a mistake, and he will try to reverse the decision. The reason of denial is Job required MS+8 years of experience (God knows where they read it) and I have BS+5 years of experience.

My question to you guys is can I file in EB+3 with the same approved labor
"Written Decision mailed" for I140 - milli Please answer


I know the above dreaded message means a denial.
Milli you told you had a similar problem. Did you reapply and were you successful

Any other inputs are welcome

Hey Mili - What are the option after denial

My I-140 got denied for absurd reason (according to lawyer they made mistake in reading the ETA forms). he is fighting to reverse the decision. But what are my options besides filing an appeal...

Can I File in EB3 with the same approved labor at different service center...???
If it was INS\'s mistake

probably you can make them corrected.....But nobody in this world wants to accept their mistakes and INS definitely not an exception.....It\'ll take a while I guess to get it corrected....anyways all the best....

I think you can also apply for EB3 with the same labor in fact at the same service center
Thank you milli

Hope to hear from them soon, probably this week. I know a number of times they mistake in renewing H1 like incorrect name, issung H1 incase of H4 or issuing H1 for different company etc etc..and in all the cases they corrected themselves...I wish they correct my thing..too

Just trying to console myself...Thanks Anyway
My lawyer reopend the case

I see suggestion from the board saying that the motion to reopen takes a long time. Anyone here know, how long it takes?.
could you

tell us what was the reason for denial?
Motion to reopen is OK, but takes at least a year, or much more. Why didn\'t you try to fix the problem, prepare a new petition at the same time? It may take much less time in this way.
wait for notice to arrive

Dont spend sleepless nights ..sometimes these are minor issues,which can be resolved easily.