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I-134 or I-864 for Affidavit of Support???

cheers mate

Registered Users (C)
Hi guys,

First of all let me say thanks to everyone who has helped in answering all my questions so far... Its quite a daunting thing filling out all these forms, but I gotta say, you guys have made it a helluva lot easier!

Whats confusing me now is that I don't understand the difference between the two forms (I-134 & I-864).

I have 1 distant relative and 1 good friend who both live in the USA that are willing to fill these forms out for me... What I need to know is:

1) Which form should I use?
2) Does the sponsor (my friend/cousin) need to go to a USCIS office in the US to fill out the form, swear an oath, and then send it to me?
3) Do I need to be related to the person?

From what I can tell I-864 is the new replacement form for I-134. Or am I wrong? The way these things are worded its almost like they try and catch you out...

1) Which form should I use?
2) Does the sponsor (my friend/cousin) need to go to a USCIS office in the US to fill out the form, swear an oath, and then send it to me?
3) Do I need to be related to the person?
1) I-134. I-864 is for family-based immigration, I-134 for immigration through the lottery program
2) no, as far as I know the sponsor doesn't need to go to USCIS but needs get the document notarized (which can be done at the local post office, I believe (others might know more about that))
3) no