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I-134 / Job offer / money or personal assets


Registered Users (C)
If some person doesn't have I-134 or Job offer what kind of money he need in bank ?
I heard 20.000$ ?

And how much is for two persons ?

edit: I found this

Will this means I will need
21.162$ + 5487$ for Hawaii on my bank statement ?
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If some person doesn't have I-134 or Job offer what kind of money he need in bank ?
I heard 20.000$ ?

And how much is for two persons ?

edit: I found this

Poverty Guidelines have been updated for 2012: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2012-01-26/pdf/2012-1603.pdf

Will this means I will need
21.162$ + 5487$ for Hawaii on my bank statement ?

From the link that I provided on page 2 lookup the new figures for Hawaii. Then multiply the number provided by 125% (or just multiply by 1.25).

For instance. If you are married and have 1 child the number of "persons in family" would be 3. The amount for a 3 person family is $21,960. We take that number and multiply by 1.25. So, 21,960 x 1.25 = $27,450.

Then again, I have also read about individuals who had $6-8 thousand in their accounts and still got their visas. It is believed that they make a decision based on several factors like how well you speak english, how much your profession is in demand and etc.

Reading about these money things at times stress me! I have more than 5 to support...and interview date is really rushing! 2 more business days! Not taking I134 or I864...just paystub/W2s for 2010 and 2011; and some documentations on stocks and bonds. (dont want to think of it, and I SHOULD but hoping it doesnt come up)