I 130 question


Registered Users (C)
I asked about question #22, now I am looking at questions 17, 18, and 19.

17. List husband/wife and all children of your relative. She has none that is here in the US or any that are going to come live with us, so I put an N/A on that one. (I hope that is correct).

18. Addres in the United States where your relative intends to live. Would I put an N/A here or would I put my address because of my wife? Or are they talking about the relatives from line 17?

19. Your relative's address abroad. Would I put here address that she use to live at or are they talking about the relative's from line 17, in which case I would but an N/A there because I don't have any?

Thanks 4 any help. I am hoping to get this out this week. I work 2 jobs so I am never home to make sure everything is done right, and fill out what I need to fill out. But my wifes bio is 17 days old so we have to get it out before the 30 day's is up.

Also are we allowed to scratch things out or white them out?
bud_19c said:
I asked about question #22, now I am looking at questions 17, 18, and 19.
Is there a reason you post questions for the same form in different threads?
17. List husband/wife and all children of your relative. She has none that is here in the US or any that are going to come live with us, so I put an N/A on that one. (I hope that is correct).
To me, it's a simple question about your relative's husband/wife and all children regardless of their residency or intent to immigrate. I understand it is for your wife, so you're the husband (don't know about the children).
18. Addres in the United States where your relative intends to live. Would I put an N/A here or would I put my address because of my wife? Or are they talking about the relatives from line 17?
I think you should put your address.
19. Your relative's address abroad. Would I put here address that she use to live at or are they talking about the relative's from line 17, in which case I would but an N/A there because I don't have any?
Yes, that should be her last address abroad.
Thanks 4 any help. I am hoping to get this out this week.
It's about time. :rolleyes:
I work 2 jobs so I am never home to make sure everything is done right, and fill out what I need to fill out. But my wifes bio is 17 days old so we have to get it out before the 30 day's is up.
What 30 days are you talking about?
Also are we allowed to scratch things out or white them out?
Why don't you fill out the forms on-line. That way you wouldn't have to scratch things or white them out. :confused:
#17. Yes u need to list all children of your wife, regardless if they live here in the US, or her country.

#18. Your address. I assume she will be living with u when she gets her, or if she is here already.

#19. Yes her address abroad where she is from.

No white-out/ scratch-outs. U can download as many forms from the net or fill the forms out on line as the previous guess suggested, but also remember to have copies, because things usually get misplaced with their office.

Good luck :)
I could only find one form that you could fill out on the computer, can you please post a link so I can find it?

Hey bud,

I-130 is fillable on the official USCIS website, I just tried it. Please be careful with any other forms you may find on the web. Even if they only differ a little bit from the USCIS forms they may not be accepted.

For question 17: You have to write down your name (since you are the husband) and all her children, even if you don't file a petition for them. In section D1 they will see that you don't file for them, so it's all fine.

I know filling the forms is a pain because you wanna make sure that everything's correct. It was hard for me to let go!!
But remember, the sooner you send your package, the sooner you will be done with it! :)
I would call the Customer Service line and ask those questions, in fact, that's what I did.
They will answer up to 5 line items per call.

Relax and wait

Hoping all the documents were correct and the fees were paid; see if the amount is deducted from your bank account by 26 jun...which will mean that your documents have passed preliminary scrutiny.Your Notice Date(ND) would be 28 Jun , it would be updated on the website by 10 Jul.You would get the I-797 c by 30 Jun. FP/ biometric letter should ideally be originated on 26 Jun and u should get that letter by 30 Jun. FP/ biometric appointment should be scheduled around 14 Jul.
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