Husband is illegally here, and want to obtain legal residency


New Member

I have a situation I am aware of , and I wonder if anyone has a proposed solution.

The wife is an American citizen living in Washington state. She married an illegal immigrant in 2013. They have 3 children together. I am not clear on the timing of the births.

The wife is trying to enter the military service but is being denied due to the immigration status of the husband.

The question is how to get legal residency for the husband. Apparently he would be barred for 3 or 10 years if no waiver can be obtained.

One potential solution is to obtain a hardship waiver, although this hardship would be economic. It might be the case that the wife and three children would end up on the street if the husband were deported.

The second possible solution is for the couple to divorce and to give custody to the husband. Then petition for residency so the now ex-husband can care for the children while the wife joins the military. After being in the military, she would remarry her husband.

Would any of the these strategies work? Can you suggest any alternatives?

Thank you for any questions or comments.

It's my understanding that he entered illegally and was married after that. I can get better details if that would help answer my questions.