How to make 100K per year....


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Give me some good ideas about what to learn and which field has good in market interms of $.
Iam here from Jan1998 working for $60K-$65K on IBM(DB2) machines.
I don't think learning some new stuff won't be a problem at this stage.
Suggestions pls.
Get Project management skills

You will be bale to make that money if you can have those skills. The only other area probably will pay that is probably SAP ( in these days also) and sales.

So you figure that out.
It also depends on where you live. $60-65K is pretty high if you live in the midwest or southwest (except in cities like Chicago).
In order to make over $100,000, one must be the best technical person in a group/department/company. So become experts in Java/J2EE/J2ME/BREW, wireless techologies, RUF, UML. Learn to architect and design Enterprise solutions. Learn to listen, articulate and communicate with business, marketing and product management people. Learn to suck up and brown nose.

And money will come to you, in bunches too.
Okay .
Lets see .
If you know DB2 then try and learn Webservices and XML as the next release of DB2 might support a Hierarchical model .
If you know java learn J2EE model along with webservices .
If you are an architect learn UML and related technologies .
Esteemed organizations are looking for people who are capable of providing vision, and developent of end-to-end applications.

- sai
Quite a few options ...

1) Become uber-tech-architect-business-value-add-dude as the above posters have suggested (if that tickles your fancy)
2) Get into Sales in your company - if you are in a tech company
3) Leave IT, get an MBA and go into finance (if you can in this market)
4) Go out on your own as an IT Contractor
5) Go out on your own in some other line of business. (There was a thread on this a while back. Ideas such as opening a Subway Shop, A Tutoring School, Dunkin Donuts Shop etc.) - The good part is that interest rates are very low and you can find credit on good terms these days to start a small business.

Ofcourse before you can do any of the above, with the exception of option (1) , you need to get your GC and then pay your dues to your employer for "indefinite time" whatever that means.
it's interesting to observe that none of you can think outside the technical field... I make well over 100k...and
a) i don't suck up to my boss
b) am not a contractor
c) am not a techie
d)i don't have business
e) and no sugar daddy..either

just a couple of professional degrees...:p
Lot of people in this forum would like to become the boss of Anita Gupta now based on her suggestion. :D

100K, depends which part of US you want to make that money. Midwest, probably difficult. Boston, NY City, CA should be easy. Even if you have the skills, you should know how to drive a bargain. Bad market now does not really help. Big 5 consulting (maybe big 4 - no more PwC) should easily pay 100K. Should be rare for desi companies on an employment basis (not contracting).
I think the usage of "sucking up" here was more meant along the lines of "brown nosing" or "kissin up" as it is also known.
wherezgc, What a find. You are a genius and made me enlightened. :D What an extraordinary 100th post.

Can you teach me Engiiileeeesh words, pileez? :p Lots would still take up on the "kissin up" though.

Seems like Anita Gupta worked for PwC once upon a time and hence, she for one would definitely know what sucking up to a partner is. You, my friend wherezgc may not understand how it works.
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Here is how to make $100K/year

Hi India1972,

You are already making $65K/year. To make $100K/year,
all you need is make an EXTRA $35K/year working
evenings and/or week-ends.

For information on how to do that, please check out

Originally posted by INSfiles
it's interesting to observe that none of you can think outside the technical field... I make well over 100k...and
a) i don't suck up to my boss
b) am not a contractor
c) am not a techie
d)i don't have business
e) and no sugar daddy..either

just a couple of professional degrees...:p

What do you do?

Most desis tend to think along employment lines. Innovative ventures have been abandoned!

I know there are tons of other ways to make money other than bytapping the key board and removing a tooth!
This might be good.

As per my study,

1. Make 100K (Buy a house... the way of accumulating) first and 20k in liquidation assets.. By doing 2nd job for one year.
2. Control expenses.
3. In second job, do what ever, which is in your perspective. You will also get experience.
4. Build good credit history.
5. Open an acct in bank as a Business Investment acct. You will understand this when you see the financial adviser. There are so many advantages when you open this acct. This acct is a kind of proof for the business investment banker. So the banker will understand that you have this idea for long time. Keep money in that every month (May be direct deposit). Never try to withdraw money from this acct.
6.Go for a business, which is in your perspective (with 2nd job experience).
7. If you have still more questions. Well you have a internet to look in to....
8. As per my understanding business is safer and secure than job.

I don't want to criticize like other stupid guys in this site. This is my word of saying good luck. You will achieve it.
Business Investment acct.