How to get ITIN number on B-2 ?


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My friend need ITIN number to get credit card and mobile phone. She is on B-2 valid visa. How to get fast ITIN number? Will IRS issue ITIN number at IRS office or the mail the number? She doesn't work and doesn't get any benefits from any agency. She has bank account at US bank (bank was giving her to sign some IRS form, that she is not US citizen/resident).
For either of these she needs an SSN not ITIN. ITIN is only issued when you file tax return, looks like your friend is out of luck, she can use debit cards and get a prepaid phone instead of pay as u go.
waitin_toolong said:
For either of these she needs an SSN not ITIN. ITIN is only issued when you file tax return, looks like your friend is out of luck, she can use debit cards and get a prepaid phone instead of pay as u go.

How to get debit card without ITIN/SSN? All my local banks don't want to issue any Visa debit/MasterMoney Mastercard without ITIN or SSN#. They are willing to issue ATM card, but I can't buy anything with that card, even where ATM cards are welcome, because they are only to ATM widrawals, but I would like to buy things in stores or buy online. Citibank, HSBC, Wachovia, Washington Mutuals wants ITIN.