How To get copy of Labor Certification & I-140 from INS


New Member

I would like to know, how to get a copy the Labor certification and I-140 from INS, as the employer doesnot provide me any details

Any help is appreciated


Labor and I-140 are employers. Some employers may provide you and some may not. Employees have no right to keep the copies, as far as I know.
I was also in the same stage as you. My employer did not furnish any details. Sound too strange to me. But an inside employee said if I pay some amount employer can furnish. So I ended up paying around $4000 for it to get the copy as I had some emergency and I needed them badly.

bartzcarol said:
I was also in the same stage as you. My employer did not furnish any details. Sound too strange to me. But an inside employee said if I pay some amount employer can furnish. So I ended up paying around $4000 for it to get the copy as I had some emergency and I needed them badly.


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