How to change lawyer address in INS?


Registered Users (C)

INS has my old address (I moved to a new place) as my lawyer's address. When I moved to a new place, I asked my lawyer to inform INS of the my address change and also asked him to inform INS to correct the lawyer's address. My address has changed in INS. But my old address shows as lawyer's address.

My quations are:

1. How do I correct this?
2. Where will I receive RFE or approval notice? If It is is my lawyer address, then it will go to the wrong address?
3.Will I also receive a copy of RFE and approval or only lawyer receives it?


EB2 - WAC02-105-*****
RD: 05-Feb-2002
Isn't there a G28 that has to be filed with the application? That should have the lawyer's address. I know that if you change lawyers, you have to file another G28, so maybe that's what you do when lawyer's address changes. I have 2 questions for you
1. Why in the world did you use your home address as your lawyer's address?
2. What kind of lawyer will allow this to happen - they should already be on it, filing the proper G28 (or whatever this is called)

I don't know where RFE goes, but approval goes to lawyer, you only get a courtesy copy which may not be good for stamping, I saw that thing debated here.
Is this your company's lawyer? Are you self employed?

Thanks for the reply.

1. I did not give my home address as law firm address. Neither the law firm. INS made a mistake and entered my home address both as my address and my lawyer's address.

2. This law firm is one of the best in bay area. They handle cases for Cicso, Oracle, etc.

I moved to a different company. My lawyer sent a letter to INS saying that he is no longer representing me. So, lawyer's address has been removed from my I485 in INS. But he did not do the same for my wife. So, she is stuck with our old address.
