how to approach an independent reference at the beginning?


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Can anyone give an example letter that is used to ask an independent reference to write a letter?

I have been hezitating for a very long time just because I really don't want to hear NO from this reference.

any suggestion is highly appreciated.
Well something like this helped me!!

Dear Dr John,

Hope this mail finds you in best of health and cheers. It was nice to meet and discuss research with you at XXXX meeting.

I need your help related to my future. Currently, as you know I am working on XXXX project which is in full swing. Along with that I am also working on several XXX projects in XXX Lab. Till date I have got XXX international publications related with XXX research and 5-6 are in different stages of communication and writing.

Well, I discussed my future in this lab with Dr XXX and with his consent I need/wish to apply for Green card in the outstanding/extraordinary category. Well, besides various other requirements I need work assessment cum reference letter from several international scholars. I will be thankful to you if you can provide me with one such letter as you are among few scholars who are aware of intricate details and importance of the on going project.

If you agree, I can send you the typical format of the letter in which it should be written, my publication list and resume for your reference.

I will be needing this letter only by XXX week of XX month.

Thanks in anticipation of prompt reply,

best wishes,
Here is my version:

Dear Professor XXX,

I am writing you this letter because I would like to ask you for your support of my green card application as an “outstanding researcher” by writing a recommendation letter on my behalf. The evaluation of my scientific contributions by an internationally recognized and outstanding scientist like yourself is one of the major criteria for the US immigration office to decide about my case.

Currently, I am working as a XXXX at XXX in XXX. Before joining XXX, I was working as a postdoctoral research associate in the group of Prof. XXX at XXX in XXX, in the area of XX and XXX and the development XXX processes. During my Ph.D. studies with XXX at the University of XXX, XXX and XXX in XXX, I gained expertise in the area of XXX, especially in XXX. My scientific contributions have resulted in numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals, presentations and several awards.

During my stay at XXX I was impressed by the opportunities in the biotech community in XXX and decided to start my career in industry here in the United States. After more than one year with XXX, I now would like to apply for a green card which would provide me with an unlimited work permit.

I would like to ask you if you would be willing to write a recommendation letter on my behalf which I could send to the US immigration office. My company’s lawyer gave me a template how such a letter should look like since it is very different from a normal recommendation letter e.g. for a grant application. The main difference is that you would judge my scientific contributions as a whole (diploma and Ph.D. thesis, postdoc and industry research) based on my publications and CV. If you would decide to support my case I would send you this template together with PDF files of my most important publications.

I would very much appreciate your support of my green card application by writing a recommendation letter on my behalf. Please find attached my resume for your review.

I am very much looking forward to hearing from you.

