How much should I contribute to Immigration Voice?


Registered Users (C)
Many of you were asking us this question- "How much should I contribute to Immigration Voice?" So we thought we will answer it in this forum itself.

While we welcome any amount as a contribution, we suggest a minimum of $200. Please keep the following points in mind.

  • Immigration Voice has a steep target of raising $100,000 in a very short period of time towards our efforts.
  • If people were to contribute $20 instead of $200, the volunteers of Immigration Voice will have to spend much more time in getting 10 times as many contributors. All that time could instead be spent much more productively in contacting the lawmakers and convincing them.
  • $200 is approximately 3 months cable bill. You decide what is more important - cable or the peace of mind from having your green card.
  • Some of you might be thinking of donating a small amount now and then more later. Just remember that for each transaction there is a fee that Immigration Voice pays to the payment gateway. So more the number of transactions that you split your money into, higher the cost and lower the money that goes towards our efforts.
  • There will be transparency in all of our money matters. Soon all volunteers will be having access to the expenditure information.

More details about the Contributions to Immigration Voice here.
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