How much longer???? This sux


for me to guys... this waiting really sucks...
but we cant help it. hey patienceGC,did u call IIO?

No. There is no point. I am going to get one of the standard replies like RD/ND confusion or "we are processing sep 15 so you are screwed for now".

I think i am gonna change my Id to asdWhoopAssGc! :p
patienceGC, there are few 052 cases got approved.
We are both 052, so we are forgot by the officers.
Many people have started taking vocation holidays as
well as the officers, so I feel we will most likely wait
until the next year.


Well..Call me whatever U want to..
But appreciate U for taking the decision ..not to call the IIO...

I strongly believe that other than change addresses.......calling IIO does not serve any purpose......

The less we call them....the less work they will have.....INS will throw them out.....
Will get more money to hire other offices for approval......
This is called Day Dreaming and Wishful Thinking....

I never chose the id as patienceasd....
U chose the one called PatienceGC...

So I can call U
Hope it is....

I am hoping to day is Friday ..or tomorrow is Thanks gving...
Cant wait for the Long weekend...

PATIENCEGC needs a break.....:D
Hope he gets his approval before Thanks giving.....

PatienceGC reminds me of roran.....
Re: No

Originally posted by FutureGen1
Friday is tomorrow !!!
How are you doing July16??
I am lazing around today at home, this RFE sucks ??


What a pleasent surprise, I sent you an E mail last week, and when I didnt get a Reply, I just Presumed you are on a Vacation, are you??.

Whats the latest buddy, any news yet, did INS get the reply to the RFE.

Keep me posted.

ps. I have been posting some of the jokes that you E mailed me, on this forum, and believe you me they were Hilarious.
futuregen.... wuzzzzup??

Long time no see!

July16... everyday is a friday to me otherwise there isnt any reason to get out of the bed :)

On looking a the stuff od Rupnet and here...

August is pretty much done expect for a few really unfortunate people who we wish get their approval soon.

Sept still has a considerble number left but it aint too much. So hopefully we'll see more of October in the next month and hopefully mine will be in it


Dang man if i knew its gonna take this long... I would have gone back beed married :mad: :p

I am on vacation for 2 days; I did not get any mail from you last week.
Response to RFE Received by INS on 30-OCT-02.
No change; applied for EAD renewal. I am sure that my case will be adjuducated by Next year ( Feb or March); I have unshakable confidence in INS !!!

INS is like this Guy ( No offence to Sardars on this Forum)
Sardar Banta Singh went to the emergency room with
the tip of his index finger blown off. "How did this
happen?" the doctor asked. "Well I was trying to commit suicide,"
Banta Singh replied. The doctor asked, "Trying to commit suicide
by shooting your finger?" "No, silly! First I put the gun on my
head and I thought my face would look horrible, then I put it in
my mouth and I thought I just paid Rs. 1,000 to get my teeth
straightened. So then I put the gun in my ear and I thought this is going to make a loud noise, so I put my finger in my other ear before I pulled the trigger.

Though I am too busy at work(surprisingly huh..) you called me into this thread.
Do you want to hear the usual venting or something new?:p
I hope you are not in this state if you pass two months from ur RD and still not approved, though that may not happen as things are improving at the al mighty:D


Looks like you will be missing your Rolex the second time, though this time it is for missing the deadline(ND)

Good to be back man; I may not be a regular to this site; since I am at home today I thought I will catch up with Old friends like you, July16, DMA-VA (Congragts on your approval),AG ( Congragts on your approval too) Habib, et al
I know your are pissed off but we beggers can't be choosers..
Hope for the best and hang on.
patienceGC, FutureGen1 , roran & Bobby V


Wish I could say the same, every working day, be it Monday or Friday, my wife literally drags me out of bed, and pushes me out to work.

Enjoy your Bachelor life till it lasts, then you wont need a reason to wake up.



Best wishes to you and Family, its just a matter of time now.



What can I say, thats the kind of luck I have, I remember in my pre approval days, someboby commented about me having a donkeys luck.

Forget the Rolex your timely approval would have been Present enough for me.


Bobby V

I sincerely hope you get approved soon, BTW you are doing a reall Service to the waiters here with your advice.

This really sucks..
They should change the name from
Immigration And Naturalization Service( US Dept of Justice) TO
Inefficient Nasty Service( US Dept of Injustice)
Hi Bobby!

Don’t worry you have company… let’s go for anniversary party…
:D :D :D

RD 09/14/01
ND 11/13/01