how much is the wait period to apply for citizenship ?


New Member

I have my green card.
I have got a continuous stay of 2 1/2 years in US.
How many months do i have to wait to apply for US citizenship ?
How much time does it take after we apply ?

thank you

the general rule is one has to have 5 years (unless if you acquired your GC through marriage to a USC which is 3 years) of continuous stay in the US before one can apply for US citizenship. however, i believe one can apply 90 days (4 years and 9 months) prior to the 5 years because they take it that by the time your application gets processed, you would have fulfilled the 5-year requirement.

how much time after the application for US citizenship? it depends. i've seen various timelines here in the forum. from 4 months to years.

'ope that helps.