How much amount should I carry while landing?


Registered Users (C)
I am planning to land in Canada in June 2003. My application was processed as per old regulations. I did not remember how much amount of funds I declared at the time of applying.

Can any one tell me how much money should I carry while landing? Shall I carry in USD currency or it is compulsory to carry only my traveler’s chqs?

Please advice me the mode of carrying (Chq/Cash/Draft/Travelers Chq/Simple Bank Balance)
Check this for amount you should carry.

You can carry in either USD or Canadian $.

If you can carry full amount in cashier check it is always better
if not I suggest you to carry atleast 50% amount in Cashier Check/TC and for the rest of amount you can show your recent bank statement+atm slips. Try to take latest balance information from ATM on the day you leave.