How many pages in AP


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Could you let me know how many pages we get in AP. Earlier i had 3 pages but after the renewal there is only 1 page.

AP ND 10/1
AP AD 11/5
I had three pages in the first one as well. I have applied for renewal so I can post when I get it.

How many photos did you submit with your application?
2 pages

I got 2 pages. I am just wondering if I re-enter USA twice, the customs officers should stamp on one page twice or on two pages separately.

My AP ND 10/02 and AD 11/05.
2 pages

When I first got my AP last year, they sent 3 pages (2 with the pictures that I submitted and 1 with no picture). When I went to India and came back, the airline kept the copy that had no picture. At the port of entry, the INS people took both copies, stamped them and gave them both back to me.

Now with my AP renewal, I only have 2 documents. The interesting thing to note is that the pictures I sent with the application form are not stuck on these documents. They have actually printed the digital version of my picture. As I mentioned I only got 2 AP documents this time. I spoke with my lawyer and he tells me that the INS is only sending 2 documents now, and your airline should make a copy of one of them and keep for their records. Bottomline is that you can probably make do with just 1 copy of the AP also, as long as the airline and the INS at the port of entry are willing to keep copies.

Please confirm this fact with your lawyer. But it definitely seems that the INS is not sending 3 copies of the AP document.

All the best !
AP and Paris

This is just for people who may be travelling with AP documents. I returned from India this weekend, travelling for the first time with AP.

At Paris Airport (CDG), the official at the Air France desk insisted on taking one of my copies of AP (I had two). He was adamant that this was the procedure. I stood my ground, refusing to part with anything. I asked him to take a photocopy of my AP which he refused.

On reaching here I got a clarification from the immigration officials here. You ususally have two copies of AP. When you reach US, both copies are stamped as is your passport verifying your status in the country as a parolee. One of the copies is kept by the US Immigration and the other copy is given to you. When you travel again you should crry the copy you have and it will be stamped again.
good post Sunny. thanks this information is useful. i am gald you put your foot down and did not give that french officer any original copy.

come to think of it, may be this is why INS gives three copies. i have three pages in my first AP our of which two are with photos and one without. may be that third copy is meant for the transit airport. but then i don't know why they give only two copies sometimes.
2 copies only

I too have received 2 copies (both with photos) of AP. I am travelling in Dec and what if AirIndia insists on keeping one of the two copies. Is it required that I produce both copies here at POE?
If the airline asks for a copy of AP, I suggest that you ask them to take a photocopy. BUT DO NOT PART WITH ANY ORIGINAL AP DOCUMENTS>
Agree with Sunny19. I would also recommend everone traveling on AP to take photo copies of your AP pages with you.