How many March,April RFE are still waiting?

ND 3/21/01. RFE raised 3/18/2002. Responded and Acknowledged by NSC 3/30/02

As per IIO when we called on 4/18/02, all our files ( Me, spouse and child) are assigned and with an officer. No idea when they were assigned. No sign of Approval yet!
Count me in!

Its like someone said here, some people go to the baggage claim area and the bags are right there as if they know you are waiting there, for some others you wait, wait and wait... till everyone takes their bags and leave..... and there comes the last bag !

At times I feel like the guy waiting for customer service(with the token #89) in US Cellular advt!
oh, yeah

especially when you see some Jul, 2001 cases got approvals while your 2000 case is pending. It\'s like you\'re waiting for your baggage in the claim area, next flight\'s baggages come and go, and then next next......
You can only desperately murmur to the rotating belt: please, please, please spit out my baggage.
RFE response received by INS on 21st Mar02; no approval yet

I called IIO couple of times. They told me (one and half month before ) that our case is with an officer. Our RD is 04/16/01.
I do not know what that officer is doing with those papers. They, INS , provide good cusion chairs, then why do they need our papers?
Last time , when I asked what\'s the reason for delay, she said "I do not know. I will CC concerned officer that you called".
Nothing is going accrding to plan for me from the begining. So ....up agency is INS.
Hoping for approval.
Heard the message of Approval 10 Minutes ago! And still I can\'t believe if it is true!!

ND: 3/21/01. RFE response received by NSC: 3/30/2002. AD: 6/3/2002( for all 3 of us).
This deluge of good news from NSC will fully sink in on the day I come back from stamping our passports! Really you guys( with or without approvals) were the true inspiration during this agonizing period of interminable waiting. Believe me, if it can happen to me, it can happen to all of you guys also. Just hang in there and this day will come to every one of you!
OMG! people with sept 2001 RD are getting approved in CSC

and we still are waiting here!. I am just wondering if we 3 (Nay, GMed and myself) are the only ones with RFE in Mar/Apr still waiting?

I just called my lawyer and I get the same reply (like IIO\'s) "I am sure everything is fine and you will get it, have patience".
I got RFE in late February.

I replied in Mar and NSC acknowledged receipt of RFE response. Still no approval. The AVM says, "...On 3/29 we received your response to RFE...blah blah blah....Since preliminary processing was done before RFE was sent, it is taking 390 days for us to make decision...blah blah blah..."

Did you guys get similar message?

why is it for some it get approved, for some it is like never ending? why?

what do they do at center? i think some officers who personal life like wife and everything Ok work. those who have problems, will never work. i think my case is with one such guy :)
anyway, i too got sick of that message !!
Checked AVM one more time. The same old garbage message "We received your.. It is taking...blah

10 weeks over after INS received our response for RFE. In india, for movies they put wall posters for each succeeful week. Here I put a message on my wall paper (on computer) for each unsuccessful week :)
I got it finally

A few mins back I received the e-mail from my lawyer saying that my apps was approved and we will get the letter very soon!.

Good luck to you all. I at times feel that it is not fair, some of you are waiting from late 2000.

My ordeal with INS is not yet over, I have to start working on bringing my wife now!
Again verified. No change.

Veified the AVM. Same message " .. it takes 390 days blah .. blah".
Pressed "Zero" to talk to IIO. But disconnected. WHat\'s the use?
RD FEB 01, ND Mar 01, FP FEB 02 No clue.

I have seen lots of approvals for rds from April to July 2001(Atleat 5 of them). What happened to our cases? Looks like these files have been eaten up by turmites(NSC). We have been waiting and waiting, but nothing is happening. What if they dont even look at the old cases? Please post your ideas on what the alternatives are?
Thanks a lot