How many are there near RD:4/16 and ND:6/5, not approved?

deep varma

Registered Users (C)
My details are RD:4/16 ND:6/5, WAC-01-203-XXXX, did FP on 11/2 at Oakland ASC and AVM says the following :

1- "On Nov. 28 FP review received and processing resumed...."
2- "On Dec. 29 FP ewview received and processing resumed..."
3- Latest it says "On Jan 11 FP review received and processing resumed..."

I don\'t know what\'s up with INS but just wanted to see how many are left around my dates. Please post your info.

exactly same situation

I have same RD, ND, WAC # except I have only "On Dec. 29 FP ewview received and processing resumed...", I have no "On Jan 11 FP review received and processing resumed...", still waiting for approval.
Same Dates and WAC 01-202....

My dates are same with WAC 01-202...and I have the "On Dec. 29 FP ewview received and processing resumed...", I do not have "On Jan 11 FP review received and processing resumed...", waiting for approval.
Me too .... Dec 29 msg so far. WAC 01-203

I don\'t know what does INS need now to give approval?? Many after this ND have already been approved!!
RD:4/02, ND 4/19 No approval

No change in message from "Received 485 application"
Did FP 10/30 at San Jose
Sopke to IIO

I spoke to IIO (after trying for 4 days).
He had Indian accent.
He told me that it will take about 1 week for my case to get assigned to officer.

I have same (in)famous message : "On Dec 29 blah blah blah....."

My details :
RD : 4/30
ND : 6/28
have received AP and EAD. FP done on 10/30/2001 (early FP at San Jose)

RD:4/05, ND 4/24 No approval

No change in message from "Received 485 application ...975 and 999 days"
Did FP 10/20 at San Jose