How long will it take after assigned to Officer?


Registered Users (C)

I just called INS and she said that my case has been assigned to an officer as of y'day.

1. How long will it take for the officer to process my case?
2. Will this audit affect my process?

Your inputs will greatly improve my energy and patience level

Processing Resumed on 01/12/02


1. Mostly it will depend on the load of that officer who is looking at your case.
2. It seems CSC is sending approvals even while audit is still going on (any way note that CSC audit will finish on 10/04). Due to this audit it seems they assigend several cases to each officer so that they have enough work to lost for entier audit time so it is possible that each officer may have several cases with him/her.
3. My case is assigned to an officer on 09/16 and an RFE is generated on 09/25 so it took app. 7-8 working days for that officer to look at my case.

I am expecting that you will get your approval by second week of Oct.

Good luck
My case was also resumed on 01/12/01. RD 9/10/01.

Did they see a change in the status online?

Last time I checked my was in fingerprint processing complete No-ident. So far it has not been assigned yet.