How long wait after fingerprinting ??


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Hello Friends,

Sorry for my English is not very good
Fingerprint done on 23 Augusta, and I received a test Date of, they have not sent me anything ...

I'm from Atlanta, how long I have to wait for a test date?
And why is it is delayed so long?
Have you checked your status online?

Atlanta is very slow. I applied 6/29, fingerprints 7/26, in line for interview since 7/30. Still waiting for interview letter/appointment.

It's a busy office - you may be waiting quite a while.
After fingerprinting my status changed very quickly to "in line for interview scheduling". Does this mean that the fingerprinting was successful and just waiting on the interview to schedule or are they still waiting on the fingerprinting to clear but in the meantime put my case in cue?
The resaon I ask - my fingerprinting didn't go very well. They said my finger skin was very dry and most of the prints got rejected despite repeated trials. The lady said that I will probably have to come back in a few weeks to try again but sometimes you can pass even with very few "approved" fingers. Two days later I see my status had changed to "in line...". So here's my question: does it mean my fingerprints really did clear or they can still call me for re printing in a couple weeks while my case is in cue...?