How long should we stick after GC approval with the sponsoring employer


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Hi All

Is there a hard & fast rule as to how long should one stick to the current employer (the one who sponsored GC). Can someone quit ASAP after their GC has been approved and join the client.:confused:

Any input will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your help !!!
There is no hard and fast rule. What I hear most is sticking with the employer for atleast 6 months should be good enough.
Also , I read, if you quit immediately after getting your green card what might happen is at the time of applying for citizenship, it could create a problem.
The purpose of green card is to work for the employer permanently.
a lof of lawyer (above 95%) says it's OK to change anytime

Since the new AC21 portability, it's not make sense that you can even change employer before GC but not after GC (according to the bar association). However, make sure you don't sign any agreement with your employer regarding after GC, for example, your employer paid you the cost for GC process and sign a contract with you to ask you saty a certain period of time after your GC approved (lot of company do that), if you break the agreement, your employer may make a complaint to INS for possible fraud. Good luck and consult with your attorney.

Keep in mind that NO any law which mention you should stay a certain period time such as 6 months, the most important is that you do not intent to fraud and keep the intention to join the employer later. Otherwise, there is no difference between 1 week and 6 months.

My laywer is a very conservative one, so if she says OK that's mean something. Also, be sure to stay with the same job description if you can.

Hi All

Thank you for all ur contributions/suggestions. Yeah I have been approved recently and my employer is a desi employer, but good thing is there has been on agreements/bonds/committments from either of us. Probably he might cry a little bit............... since I won't be earning for him any more when he learns that i am in the process of joining or has joined the client. Neverthless to say that I went through some of the posting earlier on the same topic and some of them were suggesting that its good if you are with the same employer for atleast 1year anything less than that is of no use, either one week or 6 months is the same, you have left the employer who sponored the GC, only thing they were saying is probably they might question at the time of Citizenship, friends thats far far away..............."kal kis ne deka"
After your GC, you should work for the sponsor for (the term used is) "reasonable period of time". What this means is anyone's guess. Normally they advise you around 6 months because the GC is all about future employment. Keep all your paystubs during this period as it will help if you apply for citizenship.

On the other hand, you can screw around so that you employer kicks you out. Only then you will enjoy the freedom...

RD 11/29/01
there is no hard and fast rule

When I went for a second opinion with one of the reputed lawyers, their suggestion was to join the client before GC approval. But, it didn't happen. I had already switched employers after 10 months on 485 on AC21. Since this new employer had a contract to hire agreement with my client, I asked them for a letter putting that statement(contract to hire) clearly and that I am joining the client on that basis. I joined my client in 2 weeks after GC approval. In case of citizenship, I can show this letter as a proof that it was not my intention to leave the employer(even tho' he was not my GC sponsoring employer). So, you can also get such a letter from your employer as your employer has to save his face from the client. Your employer cannot refuse when the client wants to hire u directly.
Yeah this topic is turning out to be intersting

Actually my client off late had an agreement with all the preferred vendors that all the candidates are hireable and so that they cannot have any kind of upper hand(I mean the vendors). I too agree that I was told by lots of people that if u want to jump/switch employers, do it before u get the I-485 approved if not stick with the sponsoring employer for a reasonable time as mentioned by vashi17 and roran for a resonable period of time which is upto the person as to guess what is a reasonable period of time.
reasonable period of time..

well, in my case when I accepted the offer, i was not approved. But, as the HR took their own sweet time for the formalities, i had to wait for a couple of months. Meantime, my GC got approved and couldn't ask this employer to wait. But, at least I got this letter from from my previous employer. Now, I don't care what happens during citizenship. I am sure when we apply for citizenship, we will be crying in that forum too.:D
My 2 cents

I did talk to my lawyer about that. He is pretty good and extremely conservative. He said that after GC even 1 day after GC is not a problem. In his words, you are free right on the day when you are approved. He has reservations against AC21, no matter how strong the case is.
Things change over a period of time !!!!!

I strongly agree with what gc791188 is saying and dear friends Citizenship is too too far away, who know what kind of rules would be amended by that time. Probably I am thinking in a too optimistic way............

Things change over a period of time !!!!! When people themselves are changing over a period of time, why not Immigration matters :D :D :rolleyes: :rolleyes: