how long it'll take for NSC to receive the name check result?


Registered Users (C)
Does anybody know that how long it will take for NSC to receive the name check result after FBI send it to INS headquater? Mine was done April 8 2004 according to FBI, but when the Senator's office called NSC (last week), the answer was that they are still waitting for name check result.

My RD is Sept, 2001 and have done twice fingerprints, no ref. so far.
Same boat

We are exactly in the same boat. I filed in 09/2001 and did two finger prints, no rfes. And was told my case is under name check. Called FBI last week, no response yet.
1)When did you do the second FP?
2)How lond did FBI get back to you after you called them?
3)How Senator office helped you?

Please answer
Thanks for the info. I did my 2nd FP in early March still waiting for something to happen. I was told that the case is under name check. Talked to local congressman office. Don't know if that helps.
We should keep updated each other with the progress
ok. I know how you are feeling but don't be so upset, I know several people whose RDs are several months before mine are still waitting, I think we can get approval at least in this year!
Thanks for your kind words.
I really did not know that there are still quite few people you know that filed before us did not get cases approved.
Let's wait to see some good news coming
09-01 said:
Does anybody know that how long it will take for NSC to receive the name check result after FBI send it to INS headquater? Mine was done April 8 2004 according to FBI, but when the Senator's office called NSC (last week), the answer was that they are still waitting for name check result.

My RD is Sept, 2001 and have done twice fingerprints, no ref. so far.

The same day FBI send result to INS. FBI told me that my name check was completed on March 1 and the result would be sent to INS headquarter in 1 or 2 days. A week later when I went to INS local office to inquiry my case status ( My case was transferred to local office) I was told that INS received the result on Mar. 1.
A question

09-01 said:
Does anybody know that how long it will take for NSC to receive the name check result after FBI send it to INS headquater? Mine was done April 8 2004 according to FBI, but when the Senator's office called NSC (last week), the answer was that they are still waitting for name check result.

My RD is Sept, 2001 and have done twice fingerprints, no ref. so far.

My online message was updated as " ... results of the finger print review was recieved on July 9, 2003 ...." on 8/28/2003.

Does this mean my name check might have been completed? or are they 2 different things

Called senator's office again and was told that the NSC did receive the name check result (don't know when and don't know why it took so long ) and the case was on the way to an officer so I should hear the decision by the end of this month.

No, the finger and the name check are two different things.