How long does it take to receive approval notice?


Registered Users (C)
Heard from AVM that our cases were approved on 04/08, a week has passed and we still haven\'t received the approval notice. How long does it take to get it?

Lisa and others that got approved recently, have you received your thing in the mail?

BTW, I am living in Austin area.

Congrats.Takes roughly a week. Please update the easy Tracker at.....
This will help others in line. This system has auto e-mail feature, which sends out e-mail when you post your info with approval, to those who are waiting in your RD month.
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approved on 04/11/02, haven\'t received approval notice yet

g_lee, please post when you receive the notice.
My lawyer has received the original approval notices and FedExed to me

However, we still haven\'t received the courtesy copies yet. I guess it doesn\'t matter now since I\'ve got the orignial copies.
I suspect the postal service is experiencing large volume of mails these days because of the Tax day, that\'s why things got delayed a little bit.

Don\'t worry, yours will be coming.