How long can we hold onto Packet 3 ......


New Member
My lawyer sent me the Packet3 yesterday. How long can I hold on to it, before mailing it to chennai. My girlfriend and I plan to get married in Feb 2002, in India and i wish to add my gf name in the P3. Can I hold it till the end of Feb ?. Thanks ....
get civil marriage in US, ceremony religious cermony in India

Get officially married in the US now with no ceremony. Don\'t hold off your GC, you can never know what will happen. My advise: send in P3 as fast as you can. You need marriage certificate only for the interview so you can declare your wife to be as your wife on P3 and get married anytime before interview.

If you don\'t, who knows, you may be laid-off and then you can kiss your wife\'s and your own GC goodbye, or at least \'enjoy\' a 2-3 year setback.

You can always get married "properly" in India in Feb with your GC.
No Title

I would suggest get a registered marriage done, add her name
in Packet 3 and U will have U\'r GC by Feb\'02
In the current economy U might want to consider this !!!!