How long between fingerprinting and interview?? (I'm in San Diego)


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I know dates and times vary but I'm just trying to get an idea of what we might expect. I filed in person at the San Diego INS Office August 24th 2002 and I was fingerprinted October 25 2002.

Seems from reading here that people are being called to interview pretty soon after fingerprinting, so I thought I'd see what the collected wisdom here is?

Because we filed in person I'm not sure whether the CSC dates I read apply to us and, since I don't have a WAC I can't check the status online either.

Good luck to all who are waiting!
the process varies from center to center.

Its generally 4 months after the prints where they call you for an interview but things have changed since 9/11
it took me a year to wait for my interview.
i filed it in feb 2001, fingerprinting in march 2001.
and the actual interview was feb 2002.