how does one find out they were approved


Registered Users (C)
how does one find out they were approved - during AUDIT?

if all the threads that say that INS will not be updating the status for cases during the audit period?

This is confusing. Many people have said that an IIO told them that statuses will not be updated till OCT 8th. However we still see people posting approval messages?
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I too have the same question.... ??? Hope we are in the fortunate few to get the approval as the audit is going on.!!
Most of them are approved before audit started

Looks like most of the people that have posted approvals in last two days are actually approved before audit started ( Mainly on or before 9/27/02) so unless we see some approval tomorrow for today and yesterday there should be no doubt that even if VSC will be approving cases during audit I think they will not update the system till audit is over. So if really VSC is approving the cases then we should see lot of approvals after audit is over (hopefully after 10/8/02)
I have worked on lots of federal government projects and based on my experience I do not believe that there will be lots of approvals during audit period because for mayn lazy INS employees audit will provide another excuse (like emergency shut downs, and criminal background system implementation ) for not working for two weeks.

P.S. Please forgive me if I am sounding too pesimistic.

PESSIMISM sometimes comes from living in Reality...
U are..

I am not......I am hoping to see a flood of Approvals on 8th and 9th of Oct... The Optimist that I am....