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OK, I got my GC long time ago, but I am utterly disgusted by the way they want to give amnesity to illegal immigrants while legal immigrants have to suffer.

What can I do to contribute?
chinabee said:
OK, I got my GC long time ago, but I am utterly disgusted by the way they want to give amnesity to illegal immigrants while legal immigrants have to suffer.

What can I do to contribute?

Immigration Voice is working hard on resolving the issues faced by legal immigrants. You might want to check it out.
My Dear Chenbee,

I had a similar feelings like you have about illegal aliens, after my own research on the subject now I have totall different persective,

now I really don't care what they do with illegal aliens, all I am concerned how legal aliens can get the best deal from this situation.

in democracy numbers matter a lot and we should realize the fact they out number us, remember for Americans legals/illegals does'nt really matter they look at us as aliens/immigrants.

you can join IV to fight for this cause
Agreed ..

guldukan said:
My Dear Chenbee,

I had a similar feelings like you have about illegal aliens, after my own research on the subject now I have totall different persective,

now I really don't care what they do with illegal aliens, all I am concerned how legal aliens can get the best deal from this situation.

in democracy numbers matter a lot and we should realize the fact they out number us, remember for Americans legals/illegals does'nt really matter they look at us as aliens/immigrants.

you can join IV to fight for this cause


I totally agree with your views and have been stating for a long time that the fortunes of "legal immigrants" are completely tied up with the fortunes of "illegals aliens". In a utopian world, legals would get preference because they have followed the laws and have done their time in this system. However, the real world does not work this way. Like it or not, we legals will not get anything if the bill for illegals fails. I know there are other bills out there like "STEM" and "SKIL" but they will remain bills and will never make it to law. As you have said, power lies in numbers and illegals out number us right now and will always do so. We legals need to come to terms with our status in this system. There is no point in complaining about illegals or opposing bills that favor illegals along with providing provisions for legals. We are only hurting our own cause by doing this. Every politician talks about rewarding people who have followed the law and have done things right but none of them are interested in solving our problems.

This whole illegal aliens mess and this bill is a huge plolitical ploy. If there were no elections in November, we would not have heard anything about this bill.


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that's the fact of life. Nowadays, Politics is a mare business and drives money flow and Money is power, be it India or US. These politicians are just representatives for businesses and these businessmen ultimately decide what they want, after all they have to sponsor elections. One of their best strategy is divide and rule, be it illegal vs legal aliens or vs citizens, be it reservation (India), be it religion -- so that can we fight with each other and they can get away in their game.
You can't expect anything from them unless they see any benefit from it. They will follow no ethics.
I may be naïve and stupid in these generic arguments, but that’s the way I think.
let me put the same thing in a different our life what we do, we do it because we think it is going to benefit our interest........politicians are doing the same thing...........except that they are not supposed to be totally looking for their interest....but they are supposed to be working for the interest of the country.......but in today's capitalist world.....someone who does not take care of his interest is considered a fool (he is called as gandhi in bangalore,india...)

so i do not blame the politicians...they are playing the same game we all play...
I wish this was about democracy. If this was about democracy, so then there were no bills pro illegal aliens. Most Americans are against legalization for illegal aliens and prefer enforcement only for now. Most likely the issue would be devoted to a discussion about employment visa streamline for the people who has been stuck.

The truth is that this is purely business related. What problems do I have with that ? Personally I believe that when the system is so corrupted, the honest and good people end up paying the price. I hope that in the short-term such CIR bill, if ever passed, at least would relieve me from this situation.

I don't oppose such S.2611 but I am not too excited about it either. Apparently it may improve our cause, but I am not sure about the collateral effects of it. Remember that "11-20 million + fraudulent cases go to the back of the line" seems to be just another rethoric. There is no capacity planning on this. The result could be as successful as the Iraq war.

Here it is the open borders man talking big now about 'going to the back of the line' but was the one who signed the 245(i) into law:

Chenbee, your situation is a little bit different. You are now a permanent residenty. This is your country now. I appreciate you thinking about us, but you also may consider fighting for what is right. I don't believe that this is like India or most of other third world countries in which politics is always a dirt game. At least it hasn't been always that way. This is still America. A little bit of hope exists.

guldukan said:
My Dear Chenbee,

I had a similar feelings like you have about illegal aliens, after my own research on the subject now I have totall different persective,

now I really don't care what they do with illegal aliens, all I am concerned how legal aliens can get the best deal from this situation.

in democracy numbers matter a lot and we should realize the fact they out number us, remember for Americans legals/illegals does'nt really matter they look at us as aliens/immigrants.

you can join IV to fight for this cause
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The issue here is that there are all posibilities that illegal immigrants might go ahead in line in this broken immigration system and we stay inline forever.

Throughout my six years in US, I have noticed different attitudes of politicians and common public. The system is very much for highly skilled hardworking non citizens. But over a period of time, there is a divided opinion about people on h1b visas etc... Public and politicians are confused and have half baked knowledge on what is h1b visa. When I came in 2000 people knew that there is some sort of work visa which brings workers to US. Then people started understanding that it is called h1b visa. Some people think that american employers and politicians work hand in hand framing policies to encourage h1b visa workers because most h1b visa holders are from 3rd world countries and work for cheap labor. This opinion still exists and a lot of Americans think that we are stealing their jobs by working for low pay. The way Americans are educated about h1b visas is kinda crazy. Recently I went to exchange my out of state license to CT license and the issuing officer asked me to get a letter from employer because I am on h1b and when I showed him my offer letter he did not accept it. He said this letter is generated on a computer printout and could be fraudulent and he is seeing a lot of fradulant and fake h1b people these days and stupid crap. Cannot blame him because thats how he has been educated.
I have many examples of how people think we are and what people think we are.
I have not seen any politician making a public statement about issues with legal immigration. It is extremely difficullt to shake these people and bring them to table.
Over some period of time, I have been following what IV is doing, and they are doing the best they can. I liked their openness to come out and do something. It is definitely good guts as we have nothing to lose. Keeping quiet and getting exploited due to mismanagement and lack of knowledge is like giving into crap.
illegal aliens

almost all illegal aliens came here out of desperation or some problems in their home country knowing the dangers that lie in migration. IOW no one came here because they were tired of a good life back home. if they can find some peace here then all the best to them and i'm happy for them. when i feel frustrated and angry at the uscis for taking so long to approve my gc, i just think of the less fortunates and count my blessings. for those that are mad at uscis for giving amnesty to illegals, just watch, as soon as the fencing is done, the bill to make felony for being illegal is passed and the elections are over they will be forgotten and their butts will be shipped out.
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Immigration Voice is doing a Webfax and Phone Campaign to oppose Bingaman Amendments SA 4131 which is being discussed on the Senate floor at this time. This amendment will reduce the EB visa numbers.

For go the following links to oppose this amendment by sending webfaxes and participating in the phone campaign:


Phone campaign

Please help to oppose Bingaman Amendments SA 4131.

Thank You.