Holy Cow, this sounds like a story JohnnyCash would tell us!


Registered Users (C)
this is fascinating!

April 22, 2007
British Man Arrested After News Report
Filed at 10:40 a.m. ET

HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. (AP) -- A British national was arrested after he told a newspaper that he was ''lucky'' to have escaped the notice of immigration authorities despite a drug conviction.

Calvin Alexander Lee, who immigrated 24 years ago, was arrested by federal immigration officials Friday at his Huntington Beach home and faces deportation proceedings, officials said.

Lee, 41, was quoted in an Orange County Register story last month about legal U.S. residents being deported as a result of new immigration-screening measures.

Lee told the newspaper he was jailed five years ago on felony drug charges. Such offenses are usually grounds for deporting non-citizens.

Federal authorities ''told him straight-up it was because of the article that was published,'' said Lee's girlfriend, Beatrice Huff.

Lori Haley, a spokeswoman for U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement, declined to say whether the story led to Lee's arrest.

She said he was arrested for immigration violations that include convictions for possessing and driving under the influence of methamphetamine.

Huff said Lee regrets his public comments but isn't angry.

''Calvin's not a person to blame somebody,'' she said.
I'd be upset if someone is deported for minor screw ups, but I think we are all better off in this country without guys who are doing drugs and driving... and then bragging about it.