Hiring a new lawyer in Houston area


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I have changed the job after 1 year from I-485 RD. Since my earlier lawyer is a previous company employee, I have look hire a new lawyer to take care of any future paperwork that may come. Could you please provide contact details of some good immigration lawyer in Houston area?
I have dealt with three immigration attorneys and their law firms in Houston during various stages of employment. They are as follows: (1) Tindall & Foster PLC, (2) Judith Cooper PLC, (3) Dunbar, Harder and Benson PLC. They were all professional but expensive and were of various degrees of help. Among the three firms, I found Attorney Ken Harder of Dunbar, Harder,& Benson PLC the more practical. He is not cheap but depending on a particular situation, he provided with some advise and legal steps that other didn't, which I might add made more sense to me at least.
Thanks guys for responding to my post. I have browsed Asian Week - paper and found many lawyers in that, but i wanted to know they are really good and upto speed with current immigration issues!.
mine is QBP(Quan, Burdette and Perez)..real professional ones..they answer all my questions until now...ofcourse i am going thru my company...but i believe they r a bit expensive...but r real good...i wouldn't goto rahul reddy...heard some stuff abt him...but its upto u...if u need more info..send a message..

To Mad Par


Could you please tell me there is any problem going through Rahul Reddy? am planning to ask him for representing me during my interview. Any information will be helpful.


There are quite a few immigration lawyers who advertise their services in ethnic Newsletters, such as Asian Week, etc. However, they might not all be board certified in Texas. Probably it doesn't matter for your case or any others for that matter but as a client you should know that. I am sure they are all qualified but the real test comes in trying situtaions. With all the scrutiny these days at the BCIS, you have to rely on somebody who know the laws very well in fine details and can read between the lines. In my own experience, I received different advise from different attorneys for the exact same situation. Not that others were wrong but one went a little extra way to point out something of value. Good Luck!

My personal opinion - if your case is not too complicated , go with a easy accessible, smaller Attorney.
Bigger attorney would mean paying more but then you can get a piece of mind.
I choose QBP but when I call them I have to first talk with my attorney's secretary and then she passes the message to the attorney & then he calls back or maybe the para-legal.
Earlier when I was choosing attorney I tried talking with Harry gee, richard prinz , QBP. All these are bigger, expensive attroneys, they can charge $150 per hour to discuss your case.
You have to discuss your case with their secretaries & assistant before you get to the actual attorney.
As per Rahul reddy, he seems a real smart guy to me, who has now made it big after his success with the case from San Antonio. When I had contacted him, he told me he prefers handling cases right from Labor. He is not too interested in filling for just 485 and interview. You can try calling him.
There is another name - George Wiley who advertises in Asian newspapers.
Pick an american lawer. They would be expensive but they are better i guess.
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goastros sums it all up...i dont think it matters if u choose an american or ethnic one...all it matters is that is he/she capable of doing it..thats abt it..

I would recommend getting a good one even if it is a bit more expensive. A cheap one might stiff you or might drag you forever in this long journey. Also, it is very important that he/she can be accessible. Having to go thru the Attorney’s secretary or assistants a few times in order to get an answer can be very frustrating.
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