Hi Yougotme


Registered Users (C)
I am not sure why you need to contact them before 3 yrs is up. Is it because you need to be in Oz for at least 2 yrs in the 5 in order to renew? If that is the case, you would probably raise flags with them in terms of your renewal.

Here is a trick I did when I was in Australia ... My British passport had to be renewed, so I got another one - it was roughly 3 yrs or so into my PR. In Sydney (by the Rocks), I went to the State Department I asked if I could renew. They said my PR was still valid under my old Passport, but I said I would feel happier if they stamped my new Passport - they gave me a renewal. Maybe you could quickly scamper over there and have it renewed.

But more to your point ... I guess you will have to weigh up which is more important - Oz PR or USA GC.

Where to go to get official info?

Aussie Govt

You can drill down to get the USA link. Also, I would urge you to talk with an Aussie attorney.

Hope this help.
Hi Steve

Thank you Steve for your kind response.

Exactly .. I need to stay in AUS for 2yrs /out of 5 yrs to keep my AUS option open. And Im trying to save my AUS PR what if i wont make 2 yrs. and trying to get GC befor that 2 yrs.

Since mine now is in I140 stage in GC . I probably in 9 months might get EAD etc.. i'm not quite sure whether i can get GC with in 9 months. Since i have aprox 9 months to hit my 3 yr away period.

Is it wise after getting EAD can I take it for granted that my GC
is ok .. and stay in US or is there any safe game.. i can play where until i get GC i have other option open

I know I'm kind of asking things which i have to make decessions
for myself. sometimes mind gets so clouded dontknow exactly what to think...:confused:

This is what I think between AUS and USA life/living wise no difference.the only difference is $$
Lets say If i think $$ is not everything but... some what i also beleive this is the right age to earn-->learn-->earn i cant think abt comforts..at this age.

I beleive they will say the same thing to me saying i have still valid period if I go to them before 3yrs for my PR renwal.

if you come across with any idea i can use at the embassy for me let me know please.

thank you