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hi Y.m


Registered Users (C)
hi y.m

how u doing ??

i'd like to ask about I-134

i got it from a friend in the us
he also sent me his birth certificate photocopy & his ID photocopy
also he sent me the W2 (2005)

is that all we need ....or there is something else ??

also he signed the letter with his state signature

is that right ??r there any required signatures ??
Hi Mediccoco,

Sometime they can ask you to notarize the signed letter. In my opinion it's better safe for you to ask your sponsor to found a notary who can state the letter and send it back to you. It's coste about 50 and 100$ to state a paper by notary in USA.

Good luck
Indeed i don't know much about this form as my realtive sent it to me in a closed envelop and asked me not to open it (for his privacy and confidentiality) and i didn't open it...

but what i know that the form should be notrized ....that could be done i many places in the States .....i.e some banks provide this service for free

additional info can be found here


Good luck
you said your friend live in US and he sent you W2 from state not bank statement. So why you talking about bank in your country.

He just need a notary in USA to state all documents he sent to you.

is there expiration date for this letter ?????????????????????

it was signed in 10-august-2006

i may get an interview in november or december
i want to know what is W2
also i'm asking the same question ,is the form has an expiration date?
compoz said:
i want to know what is W2
also i'm asking the same question ,is the form has an expiration date?
W2 is an IRS form that shows your annual payroll income for taxes.
There is no expiration date for I-134, or for the sponsor's notarized signature.
what about bank statement?

hi there..
what about if I do not know anybody in states?there is no way but I-134 form??? ... I heard that I can present bank statement . if anybody here have more information about this issue please advice me as well how much money enough to be shown in the statement and where I have to open this account here in egypt or in state and what kind of account I have to open . I'm also have lower case number 4XXX and my interview estimated in November so any prompt response will be appreciated
Hi Man

First of all you should read what i have written carfully before asking me again about something i have already answered ....because i am really start to pissed off....i like helping people but you got to help me ....not annoying me

of course i meant that it may be notarized in Bank in the States(usa)....that is what i have said not banke in Egypt.

2nd ........i Told you that i didn't open the envelop that my relative sent me only because of his request ....i.e i respected his privacy and confidentiality ..........so you have no thing to worry about regarding this issue .

3rd what i know it is valid for max. 1 year but i am not sure you can do some online search or call the embassy and ask them.

Good luck

medococo said:
is there expiration date for this letter ?????????????????????

it was signed in 10-august-2006

i may get an interview in november or december
what about bank statemenet?

hi there..
what about if I do not know anybody in states?there is no way but I-134 form??? ... I heard that I can present bank statement . if anybody here have more information about this issue please advice me as well how much money enough to be shown in the statement and where I have to open this account here in egypt or in state and what kind of account I have to open . I'm also have lower case number 4XXX and my interview estimated in November so any prompt response will be appreciated
in the last year they were asking for the form and not considering about the Bank statemen....but i had a friend who told me that he mad it last year only by showing his Bank account. so what can you do you don't know any person who can help in the States...so just show them a good bank statement.

the Bank statement would be from any bank in Egypt i.e CIB or City bank as you can't have a bank account in the states while you are in Egypt.

regarding the amount of money should be........i am telling you that there is no specific amount ..but people say that would be 10.000$$$ according to USA poverty guide lines....almost equal to 60.000 L.E

Another important thing is that you would better provid them with statement showing the movement in your balance in the last 6 months so they can make sure that is your money and you didn't just borrowed it from anyone. show if you don't have any bank account tell now you better hurry up and have one that is if you can

Good Luck