Hey Guys assist me


New Member
Hi all,

I applied for permanent residence on may 1st 2001 and got a letter that I need to go for interview on February 5 2002 in canada. I also got another letter from Buffalo dated March 14th that that have transfered my file to Seattle for Interview. I haven;t heard from them till now. I faxed them last 2 weeks and they didn\'t reply my fax.

Please how long does it take to get interview set and how do I contact them in Seattle properly.

Please assist this pretty lady.

check this link & try callin "Seattle Office"

Mission Tel.: (206) 443-1777
Immigration Tel.: (206) 443-1777
Mission Fax: (206) 443-9662
Immigration Fax: (206) 441-7838

If u had received a letter asking u to attend an interview then they will specify on which date u have to attend the interview. (Letter dated 05 Feb 2002)

U applied in May 2001.. Generally by this time u process should come to an end. But unfortunately it is still going on.. Don\'t worry

As your file has been transfered to the Seattle Office get in touch with the officers there and give them the reference no. & dates of the letter. In case if u do n\'t receive a response fax them a letter asking for a interview date alongwith copies of the letters u received from Buffalo Office.
This way it is easier for u to get a date for the interview.

( I have seen people from Detroit reporting that they received positive response when they contacted Detroit Office.. after their files were transfered there )

I applied for Quebec province & have my landing papers in hand. The process is little bit difference.
If u would like to see the process I have undergone See "I recd. my Landing papers today (8.5 months) Should we carry cash while landing"
or Click this link or copy paste the the link in your browser

india_survivor "I recd. my Landing papers today (8.5 months) Should we carry cash while landing" 5/29/02 11:01pm

I am landing @ Montreal, Canada on 15th of this month.. So, before that any doubts u have please get in touch.

Good Luck.. Prety Lady..